Chapter 6

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Shorter-than-short recap
I know that voice...

Athena's POV
I don't believe in the supernatural. It's all just a figment of one's mind, creating some sort of illusion that would somehow manifest itself in an astral form. I may have to change that belief sooner than I thought but on second thought, who am I to judge? I'm pretty supernatural too.

I saw him smirk, "Miss me?"

My expression changed from shock to indifference, "What do you want?"

With his feet barely touching the ground he "walked" nearer until we were standing face-to-face with one another, "It's been very lonely there you know. You should visit every once in a while." I scoffed and smirked sarcastically, "And risk you corrupting me? I'd rather not."

His bright white hair danced with the wind and his piercing gray eyes seemed to stare deep within my soul. I try my hardest not to be intimidated or at least show him I'm not but I know that he knows it's futile. He knows me like the back of his hand.

"Athena," his cool, calm voice brought shivers to my spine, "I missed you." He cooed. My eyes softened and my heart trembled. I know he's just haunting me like the ghost he is but now, I couldn't help but remember..., " I want to be with you again. I want to feel your warmth."

"Casper..." I whispered. He smiled warmly and lightly kissed my cheek, "I'll wait for you."


As if on cue, a gust of wind appeared out of nowhere and he disappeared along with it. I touched the cheek where the kiss still lingered. Even after all this time...

Today's events are really random and they're giving me a headache and other foreign and unwanted feelings I'd rather not discover.

I sighed and left the lake to continue my search but I guess I don't need to search that far. Not too far from where I'm standing I felt a familiar presence. Sprinting immediately, my eyes caught his ruby ones and I let out a sigh of relief. I knelt in his presence, "Lord Raizel, I'm glad you are safe."

He didn't say anything but simply nodded. I stood up and scanned him from head to toe, looking if he's injured or hurt in any way. Satisfied that I found none I shifted my glance to his companion. He was tall, well-built, has steel gray eyes and long silver hair. He smelled like that of a werewolf.

Placing my hand over my chest I bowed lightly, "Greetings, my name is Athena Genesis Alstreim. A pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

He smiled and nodded in acknowledgement, " The pleasure is all mine. My name is Muzaka, current lord of the werewolves and Raizel's friend. I'm glad to know that there's finally someone accompanying him inside that lonely mansion of his."

He told me how they met, how he visits Sir Raizel every once in a while and his travels. All the while I couldn't shake the feeling that I've seen him somewhere before and the way he smiles at me knowingly isn't helping me at all....until it clicked.

"I know you!" I exclaimed, my eyes shining in realization, "You visit our house a few years back. I remember you helping me in enhancing my senses." He chuckled, "I was beginning to worry. I thought you'd never remember." His eyes turned sad, "Are you--?"

"I'm okay." I answered immediately. I turned to Raizel, "If it's not too much to ask, would it be alright if Lord Muzaka were to join us for dinner? It's already late, I'll inform the Lord that you'll come on another date."

He nodded and started walking ahead. I turned to Muzaka, "Let's go?"

"Oh no, I don't want to intrude." I chuckled, "Please, do not worry. I'm sure Sir Raizel is more than happy to have you with us." He smiled, "If you insist."

I sweatdropped. Here we are in the living room, the food already starting to disappear quite quickly.

"Is this your first time eating ramen?" I asked Lord Muzaka. He shook his head, "I've had a few of these in my travels but yours taste better."

"I'm glad." I turned to Raizel who was still not eating his ramen. I got worried so I approached him and asked, "Is something the matter sir?"

"..." He continued to stare at his ramen until he finally spoke, "It grew."


For You I Will (Noblesse OC Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin