Its a bit dark

911 22 3

I tightened my leather fingerless gloves and straightened my work belt. I checked my supplies I had 2 cans of iron filings, 3 salt bombs, 2 flares, a thermostat full of tea, a couple biscuits, and my rapier. I tried to block out my feelings of fear and anxiety. I jumped as a warm pair of arms wrapped around my waist sending tingles through my stomach. I whipped around Lockwood quickly let go rubbing the back of his neck.
"What were you doing Lockwood?" He smiled,
"You looked a bit nervous ..." he patted my arm then walked away. My puzzled look had turned into a blush and I turned away trying to hide it from George and Axel. The van we were in hit a bump and my stomach lurched. We were headed to the so called 'beginning of the problem'. I shot a look at Lockwood in the corner, he caught me and smiled, was he blushing? Lockwood's actions had been really bipolar lately. George was talking to Axel who was distressed about loosing Acela again to his father. We had all been supplied with the necessary equipment for a normal haunting, hint, I said normal. The van came to a stop after 20 minutes of stomach pain. I jumped out of the barley lit van as soon as hit opened. The drivers, a young girl around Lockwood's age and a skinny boy with scars along his arms. The girls gray eyes popped out next to her dark brown hair. Lockwood, Axel, and George emptied from the van. We were on a circular cobblestone driveway, cobblestone steps led up to a huge mansion, trees surrounded the house casting shadows with the setting sun.
"Here?" I said, but I already new the answer when a strong psychic buzz filled my ear.
"We'll guide you in." Said the girl keeping her face stoney.
"We will?" The boy said in a Southern accent. She nodded and pulled out her rapier. I wondered if the four of us could take out those two.
"No funny business, it won't work." She turned to her companion,"get out your rapier Kyle." He nodded and pulled his own weapon out. We marched up the cobble stone steps to the grand front door.
"How has nobody found this place, or broken into this place?" I questioned, it looked fancy, it must be stuffed with valuable stuff.
"That's part of why it's so haunted, some times it's in the world of the living and other times it's in the world of the dead, and it surrounded by miles of haunted forest so you couldn't find your way in or out unless you were Kyle or me." She shrugged.
"Can it go to the world of the dead when living are in it?" Said George, despite himself his eyes were alight and curious, next to him Axel had a similar face.
"No" she replied," living people can't be taken to he other side." She held her rapier a little closer, We entered the grand building to a grand entrance, stairs curved to ways to landing above, but before I could look around more the buzzing in my head was starting to feel like a headache, I swayed a bit and put my hand to my sweaty head. Lockwood shot me a worried glance.
"You have got tonight to find the source before your friends start dying." She was talking directly to me. Kyle turned around to go outside, now that I looked at him he looked nervous of being in here. Before he could reach the small amount of light from the door the girl attacked hitting him in the back of his head with a rapier, he sunk to the floor, not sure what happened. We stared at her in unbelief.
"What? I'm not going to leave you here in this creepy place." Relief spread through me, I had no idea how much of an affect this place had on me, my limbs where sluggish and the air was thick. My breathing was quick and my heart beat rapidly. The girl was starting to drag the boy to the door. I turned around to George, he shrugged and followed her. Before I could turn around I heard a, SLAM!! I turned around just in time to see the door slam shut. My fear crashed down on me harder than ever, the slam of the door echoed around the house. The girl cried out,
"This is what get when I try to help someone!" Her voice echoed repeating 10 times before stopping. The air was frigid nipping my skin, I rubbed my hands up and down my arms trying to get warm, something was coming. Suddenly I felt a whoosh of cold air sweep the room. My lungs constricted trying to take in the icy air. In the corner of my eye I saw a figure run across the room, I whipped to face it but it was gone. My rapier raised high I waited for another appearance. I felt the rush of 3 other ghost run by me but I was already slicing my sword through them, Lockwood, Axel, and George all followed my lead. My sight wasn't as good as Lockwood's but I could tell the ghosts were children of different ages, a 10 year old girl in braids ran by me and I swung my rapier threw her. The ghost were so old I couldn't make out they're faces. The girl driver who had saved us swiped her rapier threw the kids as they threw there hands at her and Kyle who was still unconscious.
"George set up the iron circle!" Said Lockwood elegantly swinging his own rapier through the ghosts. Lockwood covered George as he set up the chains. Axel helped the girl driver pull Kyle into the circle and me and Lockwood jumped after. The wind in the room sped up hurling objects across the room, I tried to calm my emotions so I didn't feel like jumping out of my skin. The five of us,(not counting Kyle) ducked and layer on the floor, Lockwood's warm body next to me, so close he could probably hear my rapid heart beat.
"We need to get out of this room!!" Yelled Lockwood, I could hear his voice vibrate in his chest. The girl got up and her and Axel picked up Kyle's limp body.
"Cover us!" Said Axel over the sound of the wind, the powerful protagonist could most definitely feel our panic and the wind sped up each second. Lockwood, George and I ran along side of Axel and the girl swinging our rapiers threw flying objects and small faceless children. The rooms we were in rushed by until Axel and the dark haired girl nearly dropped Kyle in there effort. Those of us not gasping for air made an iron circle, the marble door felt like ice as I sat down. We crowded in and drank tea trying to calm our emotions, but in the house, even that was impossible. Next to me the girls dark hair fell over her shoulders, she smiled at us,
"Hi, I'm Eve."
Giorgia . Bella . Lo Russo ;)

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