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I woke up, with my head aching with a man around my age staring at me with sharp green eyes.

"Have a good sleep?" He asked, his tone of voice creeped me out, it was almost ...nice.

"Where am I." I said trying to brake free of the ropes binding me to a chair.

"You're in a place of science," he said, I couldn't tell if he was joking or not. He was focused on a spiderweb on the ceiling.
"Where is Lucy and George?"

"I would be more worried about myself than any of your, friends." Anger filled me as I tried to shake loose of my bonds again.
"Where are they!?"

I was surprised when he cut me free of my bonds, I lunged for him, but I was sloppy and tired from the fight at the house. He quickly slipped out the door leaving the rapier behind.

I grabbed the rapier and started hacking at the metal door. I slipped my rapier into the crack of the door sliding it up and down the side, before I heard a crack! I pulled out my rapier to find the top broken clean off. Dread filled me and I sighed. In the cold air, I could see my breath ... for the first time I noticed the temperature had dropped several degrees. I whipped around to find a hand reaching slowly towards my face. I ducked low swiping my broken rapier through the arm. It flickered and fell back.

A type two ghost and a broken rapier for defense! pulling my rapier up. It was reforming unusually fast, probably due my broken rapier. If what if the same thing was happening to Lucy? Or George? They were both tuff and Lucy could survive a while but not even I could do this forever, and let's face it, George was never one for rapier practice.

My arms grew tired fending off the ghost. The only way I was going to survive, I thought, was to find this ghost's source. This was most likely impossible, the person who had put me in here did it on purpose. they wouldn't have left it lying around. I looked around the room for any likely hiding place. It had to be in the room or the ghost wouldn't be so strong.

I nocked around the walls for a hollow cavity in the wall. I heard a dull thud of a cavity, and with all my might I shoved my foot into the drywall. Through the crumbled mess was a small switchblade.

Now to seal the source- I moved quickly dodging the ghosts blows. I once again shoved my rapier into the door cracking it to crate many little pieces of iron. If this didn't work then I was dead. I scooped up the iron pieces I rushed up creating a circle around the source. Connected the last piece the rotten apparition disappeared filling the room with a warm air, I slouched down exhausted.

I only got a minutes rest when suddenly the door burst open. people in white lab coats rushed in, one hit me on the back of my head. pain coursed through my body as I buckled up on the floor, my vision was blurry and I barely noticed someone pull me up dragging me out of the room into the brightly lit hall.

My confusion dimmed as I saw Lucy and George. I didn't know wether to be grateful or angry. They weren't dumb enough to break out without knowing they would get caught. I looked at Lucy she looked terrible, she was pale, cuts lined her face, and she looked almost ... fragile. Something I never thought I'd see, it made my heart lurch. George looked like had run a mile, and he had rope burns along his arms.

Why had they come to get me? They could have gotten away! I realized the person holding me was the same green eye guy I'd seen before and a fresh wave of fury came over me. I was going to take him out, even if I died doing it, but before I could get my chance he handed me to one of his assistance. Scientists closed in on the other end of the hall, Lucy obliviously noticed this too.

"Luce..." the boy said.

"Axel," Lucy said pulling out what seemed to be a self curved piece of metal forming a knife.
"Drop Lockwood now." The way Lucy said it made me scared, as she sat there she no longer looked fragile or exhausted but rather dangerous. Behind me I heard many rapiers being pulled out. The boy, apparently named Axel walked toward her and circled her examining every cut. He twirled her hair. I tried to pull forward but I was completely immobilized. to my relief she stepped back making him drop her chestnut locks.
"sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."  Lucy scoffed but Axel didn't seem to notice it.

Axel chuckled sending a chill down my spine.
"I'm so glad your hear, how did you do it?"
"You mean how am I not dead?" Lucy harshly spat back,"why would I tell you?" Axel smile faded.

"I guess that makes sense. I'm willing to make you a deal. I let your friends go, you come have talk with me in my office and then I will send you safety on your way."

"and why would you do that?"

"Because I think you're interesting."

" what if I say no?"

"You won't." He said as he started walking down the hall. Having no choice Lucy followed him.

I'm sorry this was such a long chapter, and it was poorly written,(I'm not to good at writing Lockwood's pov) thanks for reading, and please, please vote and leave a comment, it helps a TON!!
Giorgia  Lo Russo

Lockwood and Co. fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें