Brusies & cuts

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I shook the hand cuffs a little harder trying to escape. I knew that Flo had done this because, well, she was right I wouldn't make it in the old facility. First, how would I climb up that old building? And not even mentioning what I would do once inside. I still wanted to try and save Lucy and Lockwood. Flo had disappeared into the bushes patrolling for guards. I sighed and sat on the boat's bench wrapping my arms around myself to keep out the steady creeping cold.

The river's water rushed around me making a swishing sound. The boat bobbed up and down. Flo appeared out of the bushes with a rustle, she was carrying fire wood. By now it was almost completely dark, steadily reminding me of the time passing by. Flo bent down quietly making a small tepee, she reached into her pocket pulling out a match. With a scratch, she struck it making it flare up in fire, then she placed it on the wood. Soon a steady fire was blazing , there was no smoke causing me to wonder what wood she used. We both stared at the flames in silence,

"Almost 5:00." Flo said not taking her eyes of the fire." We'll need to leave soon."

"Flo, please let me go, I need to help them." I begged. She stared at me right in the eyes." I know you don't know what it's like to have people you love in trouble, but I need to help them." As soon as I said it I immediately regretted it. Flo open her mouth to say something then closed it again turning away. After a moments silence, she mumbled,

"I do know how that feels, and that's why you're hand cuffed." I stared at her not comprehending her words." But I also like Locky and Luce, so you're not going in there alone." She stood up and unlocked my cuffs. With gratitude in my eyes we ran to the old building. Flo really was amazing.

Me, Lockwood, Axel and Acela, all duck around the confused flailing arms of guards as we ran for the exit. All doors had been locked down so the only way out was the way in. Lockwood and I lacked rapiers so I pulled on from the belt of one of the guards, as if on cue, several other rapiers were drawn.

Lockwood disarmed a scientist barehanded then using his new won rapier to fend his way toward me, I was being bombarded by guards and scientists all wearing the same grey uniform. Lockwood plunged through the mass grabbed hold of my hand. With a slice of his rapier, Lockwood pulled us toward Axel and Acela. The four of us rushed to the broken window. I already knew we wouldn't make it but Lockwood continued to push us through the thick crowd.

Before even getting to the rooms door, a pair of hands grabbed me and another pair grabbed Lockwood, we were ripped apart. I turned around and punched the guard on the nose. Blood erupted and he fell back I tried to flee only to have four more hands grab me. We were trapped. We were cornered. The blonde hair boy walked into the middle of the circle. Anger filled his eyes. Bad memories of my father filled my brain as he came to me raised his hand and slapped across the face.

A sting of pain arched my face I hung from the arms of guards. I was still panting from the run. Suddenly Lockwood broke free of his captives ran up to the boy and pounded him on the face so hard he fell to the ground, the guards rush up to grab Lockwood again. The blonde boy slowly stood up.

"I thought I told you to hold him!" He screamed at his employees, spitting out some blood. He looked insane. I looked behind him, Axel stood holding Acela, he looked scared, Acela was trying to stomp on the guards foot with no success. I felt a tinge of guilt, we had failed. We would be stuck here forever. I looked at the door to room 185, we were so close. I sighed as I looked at Lockwood, hair out of place and he was still fuming,  I had failed him...

the door flew open and Flo and George flew out,
"DUCK!" George yelled as he tossed in a huge flare. BOOM!! Every body ducked down to avoid the burning salt and iron. It happened so fast but I didn't hesitate, I bolted toward the door, grabbing Axel and Acela . I pulled them toward the window. I waited for Acela, Axel, George, and Flo to go before me. The crowd outside was starting to get over there shock, we heard banging on the door.

Lockwood and I stared at each other, we rushed to the window, Lockwood started to climb out when the door burst open, the blonde boy ran out, his eyes wild. He grabbed my neck cutting of my breath. He smelled like smoke and burnt salt.

"Your mine." He whispered in my ear with clenched teeth. My head started to become light. Lockwood burst out of the window.

"LET GO OF HER!!" He pulled out his rapier. Pointed it at the boys throat. He quickly let go of me. I collapsed on the floor gasping for breath. I tried to swallow but instead my head exploded in pain. Lockwood grabbed my arm gently pulling me up. He backed up to the window still facing the boy. I soon could stand and I climbed out the window. I was still dizzy but I clung to the pipe as I climbed down the building my body still shaking and my head throbbing. The cold darkness of the night enveloped me. The rest of the group was running to our escape plan. Lockwood came out the window soon after. We climbed as fast as we could till we were at the bottom. My legs felt shaky but I ran as fast as I could across the dewy lawn of unkempt grass, Lockwood was holding my hand and pulling me along. We rushed to the meeting place to be greeted by worried familiar faces.

George pulled us in to the small boat that Flo had brought, (how she had a boat I don't know). Soon we rushed down the river, my body still dazed. We were all safe. How were we all safe?

"Is everyone ok?" Lockwood asked he was checking everyone for injuries. George winced and we noticed his arm was turned at an odd angle.

"Oh my gosh George! You're hurt!" Lockwood exclaimed rushing to him,

"Oh really? I didn't notice." George replied sarcastically. He winced again as Lockwood checked it.

"You must have sprained it really bad ..." said Lockwood. "We should hurry go home, then all patch up."

I examined the strange group. All of us had been burned from the flare George dropped, but he by far had gotten it the worst, red blisters covered his hands, arms, and face. Salt crystals clung to our hair. Lockwood was brave and leader like even with his slight limp and bloodied arm, and Flo was cut up and down her arms and legs, she directed the boat safely down the river. Axel sat in the corner holding the newly joined member. Acela was as quiet as ever but had no trace of fear on her face. I could only imagine what I looked like, I felt the bruise on my throat where the boy had held me. The night was starting to lighten and the sky was turning red. There was no hint that me and my friends had almost been killed in an insane facility.

My body started to relax a bit as we floated farther downstream. The river would take us farther from the city making us hard to track. Once we come across a town we would take a taxi home, and I'd be able to sleep. Lockwood sighed and sat down next to me,
"You ok?" He looked at me with his worried expression.
"I think so..." I lied, I felt like crap, and it still hurt to breath. Lockwood tilted my head up, then moved it around as though checking for injuries.

"Lucy?!" Exclaimed Lockwood,"what's this?" He was pointing to the four finger sized bruises on my neck.
"I'm fine," I pulled up my shirt to cover it up. Lockwood gave an exasperated sigh, he knew he couldn't convince me otherwise.

"I don't know what to do," Lockwood said after a while, he was looking at the scenery,"should we tell Barnes?"

"No," I replied,"that would give away Axel right?" He continued to watch the scenery. The sun was starting to rise.

"You worried me back there." Lockwood's comment took me by surprise,"promised me that you won't do that again." I just stared at him, he raised his eyebrows,"promise me or I'll fire you."

"Wha-you can't do that to me?!" I said loudly, he laughed.

"I'm your boss I can do what I want!" He said with a smirk. I lightly punched him on the arm, I just realized how close he was to my face. I felt my face heat up and soon we were so close are noses could touch, I was so sleepy I wasn't thinking much of it. Lockwood suddenly twisted around, I felt slightly disappointed until I turned and saw Flo and George kissing, both closing there eyes. Me and Lockwood looked at each other, he held a finger to his lips and we went to steer the boat. I felt a lot better while me and Lockwood tried to imitate a pirate, laughing as we floated down stream.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Hahaha! I'm so happy I finished that in school,(I almost got caught like 4 times) I really need some story ideas please. Hope you liked it, if you did please vote and comment. Thanks! :3
Giorgia . Bella . Lo Russo .

Lockwood and Co. fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن