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Me and Lockwood were pushed into a small bench, I felt myself slide of the edge a bit before Lockwood pulled me back next to him. My brain was so confused, had Axel been caught? And if so why weren't they guarding him like they did to Lockwood and I? I found my head tilled to one side staring at Axel.

That's when I noticed the blonde haired guy standing next to him. He was older than Axel, probably in his 30's. He definitely was the leader of the organization. His hazel eyes stared at me greedily, I would never admit it, he scared me. He made me feel like a thing, a thing to be owned. A thing that he owned.

"This is the good listener then Axel? The one you talked about?" The blonde boy said without taking his eyes of me. He had an ignorant voice. Suddenly anger burst through me like a volcano, I could see Lockwood understanding too, Axel had been lying the whole time! He simply got me and Lockwood to walk into their facility and hand us over for his, I thought, hand me over for his sister. Lockwood didn't need to be here, to be caught. My mind quickly turned on me... this was all my fault.

Axel looked uncomfortable shuffling from side to side, not looking at me in the eyes. I glared at him until I was pulled off the bench and shoved back out the door toward the cellars.

"And Lucy," said the blonde guy,"we will start experiments very soon." Dread filled me as I remembered Axel's experiments. How come everybody knows my name and I didn't know anything about them?! I thought, I heard him chuckle and the guards continued to drag me and Lockwood toward the cellar.

My palms were sweaty as I tried to call Lockwood and Lucy for the fifth time. Each call had failed causing me to go deeper in worry, Flo had gone to get the escape plan working, or in other words, the boat. I realized  I would have to go in and get them out... I couldn't take Flo though, it wasn't her battle. I slipped out of the bushes I was hidden in, I moved as quickly as I could to Flo,

"They're still not answering Flo..." I said watching her wrap a rope around a rock to secure the small canoe on the other end. She scratched her head.

"How many times have you called them?" She said.
"Five times," I responded,"I think they're in trouble... I'm going in to save them." Flo raised an eyebrow,

"No your not Cubbins," She grabbed my arm, I was so surprised I didn't fight her as she hand cuffed me to the boat.
"Wha..." I said looking down at the cuffs, how did she even have those!??!!

"George," she said looking into my eyes,"if you go in there it could ruin the entire mission, and there is no way for me to stop you, so I hand cuffed you." She shrugged as though this wasn't a big deal,"We are going to leave at 5:00 am with or without the others like Locky said." I just sat goggling at her in disbelief that she had handcuffed me.

Me and Lucy had been thrown into a dark damp cell that smelt of rot, the bars were thick and iron, probably to keep out the ghost of those who parishes here before. Lucy stood at the lock, hacking away with a bobby pin. Her body radiated anger and hate from Axel betraying us. Without rapiers or supplies we had nothing to break out with. Along with the supplies, they had took my walkie-talkie so there was no way to contact George. Lucy pulled out a salt bomb that was hidden somewhere in her skirts and placed it in the lock. She stepped away. it exploded with hot salt, I ducked down to avoid the hot spray. She eagerly checked the lock if it was intact, but her dismay it remained strong as ever. Lucy banged her head against the iron door letting out  a frustrated groan.

To my surprise she started shaking, tears ran down from her face. She stood there crying and I stood there watching her.

"Lucy," I said quietly," Luce we'll get out of this." Went up behind her and pulled her into a hug.

"This all my fault Lockwood," she said crying,

"What? Lucy no! This isn't your fault, why would you think that?" I said, Lucy looked up at me with her beautiful brown eyes,

"They didn't want you Lockwood, they wanted me for me talent and now you have to suffer because of it. Because of me, because I trusted Axel." I pulled her closer, she smelled like brown sugar.

"No Lucy, this isn't your fault, we all trusted Axel, and we were all coming to get Axel's sister." Lucy didn't seem comforted by this thought, but she stood up wiped her eyes and straitened her shirt.

We sat there trying to break out of the grimy cell room for twenty more minutes. Lucy tried to bend the rods, while I tried to fit through the bars when, unexpectedly a dark figure at merged from the shadow. It was Axel. Lucy and I stood shocked as he pulled out a key unlocking the door,

"Are you coming or not?" He whispered impatiently. A smaller figure stood at his side, it must of been his younger sister, she had the exact same black hair that reached her sides. She couldn't be older than eight. Her eyes unlike Axel's were dark blue. Axel grabbed her hand pulling her gently along,
"We don't have much time we have to go!"
Most of the time I end, it's with Axel weirdly showing up. So yup. Sorry if it was a bit confusing:/ Thanks for reading bye.
Giorgia . Bella . Lo Russo .

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