Rusty Cuffs

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The rusty metal cuffs really added to the whole, 'kidnapped' theme. They even provided a pair for my legs!

But through this whole experience you really learn something... that some situations mess with your emotions. I categorized being kidnapped as, 'will make you as snarky'.

My chair was an uncomfortable metal foldable chair lined against the wall with many others. With the small amount of light from a plain yellow hanging lightbulb I could see the edges of a dirt wall. You could tell they were going for the rustic waiting room look but I think they over did it.

Along my arms I had bloody marks from where man in black digging his nails into my skin, they stung in the cold air.

"Good, your awake." I yelped almost tipping over the chair and giving myself a mini heart attack. A tall dark curly haired man had been sitting in the corner to my left as I groggily woke up from being drugged. He looked like a prima Donna staring at his nails, his voice was a cool drawl.

The yellow light cast shadows across his face but I could see his gray-green eyes. Stood into the light I shivered, expecting a older man I instead came face to face with a boy at most one or two years older than me. His eyes were concerned and genuine, but this made it much more unsettling.

"Lockwood and George, where are they?" I tried to sound confident but it was hard because my voice was a lot more raspy then I remembered.

"I don't know, I'm sure they're off doing a different experiment."A chill ran down my back , did he say experiment?

My ankles were uncuffed and the boy placed one hand behind my back and another on the rusty cuffs on my wrists to pull me along, I was having a hard time walking straight so I'd have to post pone my escape sprint. He led me out the door and into a long bright hallway with many doors along the sides. Unlike the room I was just in, it had white square tiles coving the floor and crawling up to cover the walls and even ceiling. The headache inducing white light reflected off every surface in the hallway. Many times I'd hear footsteps walking down separate hallways, I caught a glimpse of a woman in a white lab coat turning a corner her eyes fixed on her clipboard. Either she didn't see me or she was used to seeing handcuffed teens being pushed down this hallway.

We walked a ways before I was dragged into room with an iron door. The only thing in the room was a large brass table with strange river like carvings along the sides. He placed me on to the table top cuffing my hands and ankles into place then turned his heel to go. Was he just leaving me?

"Wait." I said, the boy turned around surprised. "You just kidnaped me and tied me to a table. So really the least you could do is tell me who you are and what your doing." I said. The boy opened his mouth and then closed it.

"I guess your right." I blinked in surprise as he walked over he placed a hand on my arm smearing the blood from my cuts and rubbing it between his fingers. His gaze was distant and soft as if he wasn't truest here at all.
"At the moment we are studying human reaction to different ghost echoplasm." He recited. I shuddered a little and tried to pull my hands from the cuffs. He placed his hand over my struggling wrist . "there's nothing to worry about, really." He said with a half smile. I almost wanted to believe him.

"How did you control that ghost back there." I asked remembering the strange action of the little ghost girl. And like a switch, he flipped.

"Oh, you are smart aren't you!" He had a glint in his eye and he toyed with my hair, making me grit my teeth but I had to focused on what he was saying. "Well that is what this society is!" He said in a bitter tone. Sickness churned in my stomach. I really couldn't read this guy-

"People are scared of ghost," he said," it's a true fact, and when you control the ghost you control their fear. And when you control their fear, you control the people. At least that's the idea. A brilliant one if you ask me." He waited for me to reply but I didn't so he continued, "my name is Axel." He leaned in closely to my ear and whispered,
"Your a smart girl Luce, I think I'll miss you when you're gone."

Yes! I finished another chapter. Thanks for reading my writing, it really means the world to me, if I did something wrong or if you'd like to make a suggestion please do so in the comment. Please remember to vote. bye!
Giorgia  Lo Russo

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