Here comes the wait, thats just an astroid coming to kill us all.

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we reached the bend and I instantly felt a soft mist on my face from a huge waterfall, next to it a smaller one arched, the cliff above curved to create almost a full hidden circle. There were two entrances, one in which we came through and another where the water exited. My eyes tried to take it all at once, even George was breathless.
"Do you like it?" Lockwood said smiling brightly.
"It's amazing!" I exclaimed. Lockwood grabbed my arm pulling me along,
"Come on, there's a way to the top!"
"You coming George?" I cried behind my shoulder.
"No, you guys go I'll stay down here." He sat on a rock and pulled out the rest of the biscuits. We climbed up steep rocks, Lockwood still held my hand, I hadn't seen him this excited for a while.
"Lockwood!" I said as he pulled me along,"how long have you been planning this?"
"I've wanted to go for a while," he shrugged,"we've just been so busy with cases I haven't found the time." And creepy kidnappings, I thought. He continued to drag me up the hill. I could just barely see the river we had crossed and not far past that was the rode. We had gone about three miles. Soon we reached the top. I stared down at mini George eating cookies. I looked down at small waterfall, a small ledge poked out from underneath, it was mostly hidden. I was about to point this out to Lockwood when I felt the ground crumble beneath me sand blew of the mountain, I felt a jolt in my stomach and as soon as it started it was over, and I was falling.
"Lucy!" I heard Lockwood yell somewhere on the cliff, before I knew it he was falling above me. We didn't fall for long, less then a second because we landed strait on the small ledge I had noticed before. Cold water sprayed me and my breath was taken from my lungs, I felt like someone was squeezing my heart, it hurt to breath. I felt Lockwood's hands pull me out of the spray zone. He had landed on a dry spot and therefore wasn't sopping wet. I sputtered trying to find a spot on the ledge not covered in shadow.
"Are you ok Luce?" he said, I moved all my bones checking to see if they were broken. I took in a sharp breath as I moved my ankle, not enough for a break, I probably just sprained it. Lockwood immediately went to my assistance, he pulled out a small roll of bandages from his backpack and undid my boot, I muffled a cry as he pulled it of being as gentle as possible. Pain throbbed through my foot up my leg as he wrapped it up tightly. When finished he sat up wiping his hands,
"That should hold until we get back to the car."
"Thanks" I mumbled. He helped me up. I took a step forward trying to ignore the pain coming all the way up my stomach in sharp waves. Lockwood watched me with a pained expression on his face,
"You know, if you bite your lip any harder you might bleed." I released the lip I didn't know I was biting. I examined my position, I leaned heavily against the wall, flinching from the pain in my foot with every step I took.
"Now," said Lockwood getting up and wiping his hands on his dry coat. I wring out my hair and clothes, I undid the messy bun to let it dry out, my uneven bangs gripping to my face. And he just stared at me with that pathetic smile,
"What?" I shook when saying it, this brought him to his senses, he pulled of his coat and put it around me. I didn't reject it, but I didn't like it. I looked around the cave, the rocks seemed to make a maze, a fresh water pool glinted in the little sun coming from the cave entrance, and all the natural rock and the waterfall blocked out any bad weather. While thinking this Lockwood came from behind me and pulled me from my waist till he was cradleding me in his arms bridal style. I yelled out in shock as I felt a slight pain in my foot,
"Are you ok?" Asked Lockwood now walking for the cave exit.
"Lockwood! What are you doing?!?" His arms were strong and warm and sof- wait nonononono your mad Lucy! I mentally slap myself pulling together.
"We need to get out of the cave," he says now on the ledge,"you can't jump with your hurt ankle so I'm helping you."
"And you couldn't of just asked?" I cried out exasperated.
"Lucy," responds Lockwood with a grin,"would you have ever let me pick up?" His eyebrow was raised and I rolled my eyes, he laughed and then jumped from the ledge onto a crevice in the mountain. He quietly lifted me up to the to then heaved himself over.
"Thanks" I mumbled, embarrassed of him having to help me again. I handed him his coat. Soon we found a walking stick and I was able to get down the mountain.
"I'm fine!" I answered to Lockwood for the hundredth time. We were walking, getting closer to the road, I could see the trees thinning. We had just crossed the pipe,(me with difficulties), with George's sour mood, Lockwood's great concern for me was making me extremely sarcastic and defensive. We finally got to the road where a taxi was waiting.
"Your late." Said the driver with an German accent, and a thin mustache. Lockwood smiled charming,
"Excuse us sir but we had an injury and we came as fast as we could." The driver just frowned harder.
"Since you were late you'll have to pay me double for the ride." Lockwood's smile never stoped as he said,
"Ok sir, we don't want to pay the unfair price so we'll just call a friend to come pick us up." This was a lie on Lockwood's part, he was just trying to bargain, we didn't have any friends that had cars, and there were no cars around to hitch-hike with. Lockwood after all was a terrible liar and the driver snorted,
"Ok, you kids have fun with that." He rolled up the window and drove away. Lockwood turned around,
"That could have gone better." My and George both punched him in the stomach.
"What the heck Lockwood!?" I yelled,"I'm hurt and you expect me to walk 20 miles?!?!? That could take all night!!!"
"Maybe even more," said Lockwood thoughtfully.
"You are not helping you chance of survival Lockwood!" Cried George."I have to study the upcoming cases!"
"And," I start,"Axel and Acela are going to be worried sick!!!" Anger bubbled through me. I was hungry, hurt, and tried. Lockwood sighed,
"We better start walking then," he said starting down the road without me or George, we followed him quietly. There was no point in bickering, none of us could do any thing about it. The sun went behind the trees and a small breeze started. I shivered a bit still damp from the icy cold water. My ankle was stiff and swollen, it gave me sharp pains with each step,
"Luce," said Lockwood concerned as I flinched once again,"do you want me to carry you again?"
"No." I said flatly, as I stumbled again he flinched pulling me up right, I was still mad at him for making us walk this whole way, we walked for three hours, I heard a car in the distance, the three of us perked up and immediately Lockwood ran into the road stopping a big van. Barking could be heard within. A old scary looking man reached his head out the window. What do you kids want?" He snapped. Lockwood beamed up at him even in the dark you could see his pearly whites.
"Sir," he said,"we have an injured person and we need to get into town, do you think we could get a lift?" The man smiled a spooky smile and I felt uncertainty spread through me. Lockwood kept on smiling,
"As a madder 'o fact,"he said,"I've got 'o bit ov room in the back there." He got out of his car and unlocked five locks in the back, I felt a little more scared with each click, when he finally pulled open the door showing cages upon cages with glimmering eyes in them. Barking broke out as the light shined in, it revealed so many different dogs with skinny stomachs. The driver banged on the side and screamed "Quiet!" The dogs quieted down a little. I heard Lockwood talking in the back, to the old man, George standing mouth open,
"No way I'm going in there." He said turning around but right then Lockwood walked over,
"He said he would take us a to our road!" He exclaimed, he grabbed me by the waist helping me up, I normally would have kicked him but my ankle ached and I was tired. George climbed in next refusing Lockwood's hand. Once all inside the rider closed the door locked the many keys and we were of. George screamed with each bump and you could hear the driver laughing. The dogs growled when getting to close while some of them just curled up in the corner. I was drawn to a small cage, too small for even the puppy within, a black ball was curled up to keep warm in the cool van, he stared curiously at me. Suddenly the small amount of light Lockwood was holding went out. We were in complete darkness.
"Well, we'll just have ride in darkness." Said Lockwood still cheery. Nobody would see you... I think. I waited for a BANG! From a bump and George's scream to cover up the noise of me opening the cage. I quickly pulled the fuzzy ball from it and slipped it into my coat. The puppy was so cold it didn't protest. The terrible ride ended after ten minutes of wanting to throw up and not being able to move as to not wake the dog in my jacket. When finally the ride ended, the old man opened the door, he watched us with pleasure as we stumbled out looking cold and queasy. I went to the side of the rode and threw up the last bit of my food. Lockwood thanked the driver with his stupid smile. We walked the remaining way with anxiety , we even managed to joke a bit. We finally got home.
"Hallelujah!!" I screamed as I ran up the steps it felt like I hadn't been there for a week. I burst into the door to find a rapier at my neck. I froze.
"Lucy!!" Axel called dropping the rapier he was holding and pulled me into a hug. I stood in shock and then Acela peeked around the corner, when seeing it was me she rushed and hugged me too.
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!" She screamed. Lockwood came in next and immediately broke it up (mostly Axel who was still crushing me)
"She has a hurt ankle." He said defensively.
"Lockwood I'm fine!" I said.
"We thought they got you!! They came up to the window and were about to break in, then we stopped them, didn't we Axel! Then they ran away." Acela talked with wide eyes. George was inside now and Axel was slightly blushing from hugging me and didn't answer her question but she didn't seem to mind.
"Who's they?" Asked Lockwood,
"Just men in black."
"Speaking of black," I said remembering the puppy still in my coat, "could you start naming random things that are black?" That's when Lockwood sent us to bed. I set the puppy next to me still sleeping. I slept better that night.
If there is anyone out there still, I was wondering what I should name the dog, that's why Lucy wanted them to name random things that were black...also, I would like to know if you guys like longer chapters or short chapters or you just don't care. Thanks!!
Giorgia . Bella . Lo Russo .

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