Chapter 13 - The royal siblings

Start from the beginning

Jessica pouted. “And you didn’t tell me?” Yunho pinched her nose gently. “We couldn’t and we figured that it would be the best for both of you. But now, I guess you can say that you’ll be an average person in the mean time. So you can love whoever you want, for now.” He replied. Jessica nodded, her sad smile appearing. She knew she only had 3 months to be free, somehow time was just flying by quick for her.

“I understand, oppa.” Jessica said while looking in his eyes. Yunho nodded, giving her a small smile. He was grateful that she understand what situation she was in. He knew it would be hard for her when the 3 months time ends, however he knew there wasn’t anything that they can do to help her.  “Oppa, You know.. We haven‘t talked like this in a long time.” Jessica slightly pouted. “You’ve been busy with the whole.. Country. Appa is always overseas, Are you tired?”

Yunho shook his head a little. “It’s my job. I was born to live like this. The second I was born, my future had already been set for me.” He spoke, Jessica could see through his smile. His sad smile. “Oppa, If you could.. Would you want to be a normal person?” Jessica asked while fiddling with the hem of her shirt. Yunho shrugged his shoulders. “Sometimes, I do. Why? Do you?”

Jessica also shrugged her shoulders. “A few weeks ago, I would doubt that I could get used to this lifestyle. Everything just doesn’t fit me. Even walking down the streets, I looked stupid. However now, I feel like I belong here. You know? I don’t need fancy dresses, I don’t need maids or butlers or chefs. I’m living a normal life now and I’m happy about it.” Jessica explained in her soft voice. Yunho watched in awe, His little sister was all grown up. “Jessica ah, Have you ever thought about your future?”

Jessica pouted as she shook her head. “I don’t need to think about my future. Just like you, The second I was born, my future is already set for me. I don’t have the power to do what I want, oppa.” She replied sadly. “I guess being royalties isn’t always a good thing.” Jessica mumbled. “You know, when the time comes, you will have to lead the country too.” Yunho commented with his gentle voice. Jessica sighed while nodding slightly. “That’s why I’m stubborn now. Because I know, one day I can’t be stubborn at all. I know one day I have to be mature and be a powerful women. Just like umma.”

Yunho nodded, understanding her. “Oppa, But I’m scared.” Jessica suddenly stuttered. Yunho knew that tone of voice, her voice was trembling. Yunho looked over at Jessica, her eyes was getting teary. “Why?” He touched her cheek gently. Jessica frowned while holding back her tears. “After 3 months, when I return as princess Jessica, everything is going to change, right?” Yunho hushed her down as he pulled her in his embrace, comforting her. “Everyone told me not to have a close relationship with anyone when I’m out here because when I leave, it’ll just make things harder. But, I really like Key now. I can’t bare to leave him.” She cried silently into Yunho’s chest. Yunho patted the back of her head lightly, his heart aching to see his sister crying. “What will I do, oppa?” She mumbled. Yunho didn’t know how to answer her. He knew deep down that Jessica would have to leave this place and come back to the mansion. He knew that she would have to leave Key no matter what.

“Jessica, There’s still 2 months left. When the day comes, you will have to leave him, but before that; you can be happy with him. Jessica, you have to understand that our lives have already be planned out for us even before we were born.” Yunho’s voice was low, he was hurting inside to see Jessica like that. Jessica looked up at him as she wiped away her tears. “Our lives were planned out for us even before we were born.” She repeated the line sadly. Yunho made a small nod as he patted her head. Jessica then sighed. “Oppa, sorry for bringing the mood down.” She apologized, she felt guilty as she haven’t talked to him in a long time and when they do get the chance, the mood was blue.

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