Chapter 8 - Exploring the city

Start from the beginning

“We’ll see you tomorrow then.” Minho gave Jessica brief hug before grabbing his coat, Jonghyun also did the same. “Good night.” The two boys said before leaving the place. Jessica then rolled up her sleeves then cleaned up the table. She quickly placed them in the dishwasher then wiped the table with a damp cloth. Once she was finished, Jessica looked over at the clock that was hanging on the wall. “It’s been 15 minutes already, Where is he?” Jessica arched a brow, wondering why it was taking Key so long. Jessica then decided to wash up and go to sleep as she was tired.

Another 10 minutes had past, Key had entered his condo. He quietly took off his shoes and coat. He walked up to the dining table and saw that it was cleaned. ‘She cleaned everything.’ Key thought to himself, feeling bad that Jessica did all the cleaning. He then tiptoed to his bedroom door, silently he opened the door to see if Jessica was sleeping. The lights were turned on, however Jessica was lying on the bed sleeping peacefully. Key tiptoed over and tucked in the side of the covers for her; not wanting her to catch a cold. Key then turned off the lights and left his room after grabbing his pyjamas to change into.

The next day, Jessica woke up at 11 in the morning. She walked out of her temporary room to find no Key. ‘He must have left for work already.’ She thought as she lazily walked to the bathroom to do her morning routine. Once she was finished with her morning routine, Jessica poured herself a cup of milk in the kitchen. While drinking her morning drink, Jessica thought back what happened last night. The offer given by Seungho kept on appearing in her mind, however she shook off such thoughts. Jessica put down her cup of milk then grabbed her handbag and coat, she then left the condo. Ready to explore the city.

Once she stepped onto the streets, Jessica walked freely on the path. She wanted to get used to the city and the people. However, once Jessica saw how the litter was lying on the floor, how people talked loudly and rudely, how the alley that she walked past stinks and how people looked at her strangely; Jessica knew she was not even close to getting used to this lifestyle. Jessica grasped onto her handbag tightly while walking down the street. Despite all the downsides of the city, Jessica certainly loved the feeling of being free. ‘I wonder what unnie and oppa are doing now.’ She thought while sighing. She indeed missed them very much

As Jessica walked down further down the street, she saw a black limousine parking by the street in front of her. Jessica knitted her eyebrows once she saw the familiar car. Once the person stepped out of the black limousine, her thoughts were answered. “Good noon, Princess Jessica.” Once again, she heard his deep voice. Seungho leaned against his limousine with a smirk on. Jessica made a brief bow as she greeted him. “Good noon, Prince Seungho.” “Care to have lunch with me? I booked out the whole place of ‘Tasty love’.” Seungho smiled, knowing well that Jessica loved that restaurant. Jessica thought for a while before agreeing. ‘It’s just lunch.’ She thought to herself.

Prince Seungho and Princess Jessica, the perfect match as a royal couple had entered the restaurant where Seungho had booked out the whole restaurant. Seungho led Jessica to the reserved table in the centre and had pulled out her chair for Jessica like gentleman. “I was talking to King Jung this morning.” Seungho started a conversation once they were finished ordering.

Jessica nodded her head, bored by the topic. “Does he know that you’re talking to me?” Jessica asked as she pointed to herself. Seungho shook his head lightly before drinking his glass of water. Jessica nodded, sighing in relief. “So what are you doing here?” Jessica tried not sounding rude, either way the man in front of her is the man her father wants her to marry to yet she doesn’t even love him.

Seungho chuckled softly before answering. “I heard you took a day off at that place you work at therefore I wanted to spend the day with you.” Jessica arched a brow. “How’d you know?” Seungho calmly placed the glass of water back down then replied. “I just want to see how you are doing out here.” He replied honestly. Jessica sighed deeply, not liking how he was practically watching her every move. “May I ask you something?” Jessica asked. Seungho nodded with a smile as he gestured her to continue on. “Do you.. Want me to marry you?” She asked, being curious. ‘Of course I do, you’re Princess Jessica.’ He thought to himself while smirking mentally. “I understand why you don’t want to marry me since we barely know each other. I respect your decisions.” Seungho replied, building up his ‘good’ image in front of Jessica. “King Jung thinks it’s best for us to get married. However, just like you; I don’t really like the idea. I hope we can just be friends first.” Yet again, another lie. Jessica nodded her head, agreeing with him. Seungho smiled to himself. “So, princess Jessica..” Jessica cut him off. “You can just call me Jessica. Since I’m technically not a princess now.” She said kindly to him. Seungho nodded with a smile before continuing on. “How has it been so far? Is there anyone bullying you?”  “Like that guy, Key.” Seungho added. Jessica shook her head. “Oh no, Key oppa doesn’t bully me. He’s really nice. Just like Minho oppa and Jonghyun oppa.” Jessica smiled once mentioning about the boys. Seungho could only plaster on a smile. “I don’t think you should stay that close with them.” Seungho advised Jessica. Jessica arched a brow, confused. “Why?” Seungho then answered. “In 3 months time, you are going to leave them. Leave everything here behind you.”  Jessica slightly shook her head. “I’m sure I can still keep in touch with them. They are my friends now.” Jessica pointed out. Seungho then acted as if he was feeling sorry. “Jessica ah, I don’t think King Jung will let his princess keep in contact with such commoners.”

“There not commoners, Seungho. They’re my friends.” Jessica said firmly. Although just 2 weeks ago, she would call them commoners, but now; they are her friends. Seungho was taken back by her attitude when talking about the boys. “Jessica, I advise you not to build such friendship with them. Sooner or later, you will leave them, it’ll cause you to be more upset when you are leaving.” Seungho spoke. Somehow, his words made sense to Jessica. Jessica sighed silently to herself.

Once the food arrived, Jessica couldn’t help but feel happy again. Seungho knew she missed the delicious food. “Jessica ah, you know you can eat this all the time if you move to my penthouse.” He once again, tried to convince her. Jessica put down her fork after hearing him speak. “Seungho, I appreciate your concern. But I think I’m doing fine now living with Key.” Jessica said. “I’m sorry but I have to go now. I don’t mind being friends with you, Seungho. But I would like it more if you would stop trying to help me, you’re not suppose to help me. I’ve already broke the rules by talking to you, If I move to your penthouse then it means I lost.” Jessica grabbed her handbag then left. “Wait, Here’s the address. You might change your mind later.” Seungho handed her a piece of paper. Jessica stuffed it in her pocket before leaving the place. Seungho watched as Jessica exit the restaurant. “Strong girl, I like it.” He smiled to himself.


Hours and hours has past, Key had entered his condo after a long day of work. He loosened up his tie as he hung his coat on the coat rack beside the door. “Jessica!” He called out her name, wanting to know what she was doing. “Jessica.” Key knocked on the his bedroom door. “Jessica?” He arched a brow once he saw no one in the room. He scanned through the kitchen and living room, she wasn’t there. No one was in the bathroom too. “It’s late already and she’s not back.” Somehow, he was getting worried. He tried calling her cell phone, yet no one answered. The concern was growing bigger.

Key then left his condo and walked over to Jonghyun’s. He knocked on the door till Jonghyun opened the door for him. “What’s up?” Jonghyun asked, opening the door wider for Key to enter. “Is Sica here?” Key asked as he stepped into Jonghyun’s condo. Like his own condo, once he stepped in it was the living room and kitchen. “No, Why? Is she not back yet?” Jonghyun questioned, closing the door behind. Key shook his head. “That can’t be right. I called her 3 hours ago and she said she was on her way back. I thought she already came back.” Jonghyun said, scratching the back of his head. Key then knew something was wrong. “I called her just there and no one answered.” “Try again.” Jonghyun urged him. Key then took out his phone from his pocket and dialled Jessica’s number again. After several rings, He was about to hang up however someone answered the phone. “Jessica! Where are you, Are you okay?” Key asked worriedly. “Oppa.” She was crying. Her sobs were audible. “Jessica, is everything okay?” He asked, getting more worried. “Oppa, Someone hit the back of my head with something, I woke up and I don’t know where I am now.” Her voice was shaking. Key’s eye’s widen. “Do you know where you are now?” He asked, wanting to save her. “No, I’m locked in a room. There’s a window and the building across has neon lights on.”

“What does the sign on the building across says?” Key asked, his heart beating rapidly after knowing thar Jessica was in trouble. “Hot skin.” Her voice was unclear due to her sobs. “Jessica, I’ll..” He was cut off by Jessica’s sudden scream. “You bitch!” A deep voice was heard, the line was then cut off. “Key, What’s wrong?” Jonghyun asked, unaware of the situation. “Jessica, She’s in trouble.” Key mumbled, afraid Jessica would get hurt. Jonghyun’s eyes also widen. “What?” He exclaimed.

“Hot skin… Where did I hear that place before..” Key muttered, trying to think hard. Jonghyun then spoke. “Hot skin? That’s the club 2 streets away from the middle school I work at.” “We have to go there! Jessica is locked at the building across from it!” Key ran out of Jonghyun’s condo with Jonghyun following. Both of them worried about Jessica.

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