Ch.8-A (Filler Chapter)

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[A/N: Just a filler. Skip if you want to]


Kakashi's POV

I'd been told earlier today that I'd be a Jounin Sensei for the one's new to the ninja world. I never expected that the team I'd be placed with had Toshiro in it...I hope I can stay decisive with her involvement.

After we'd gone to the roof, I'd asked them all to give an introduction of themselves.

Naruto asked for mine first but I got away with not really revealing anything but my name.

Naruto then started off his and it was long.... so I didn't bother listening

Then Sakura introduced herself.

"I'm Sakura Haruno! What I like...I mean the person I like is...Uh, my hobby is uh...My dream for the future is..." Sakura's voice trailed off

I could tell she was flustered and she looked as if she would either scream, die or both

"And, what do you hate?" I asked blankly

"Naruto!" She stated bluntly and uncaring

Naruto's face dropped when he heard this, Toshiro smiled at him. Sasuke then stared at them strangely.

Then I looked to Sasuke and Toshiro for their intoductions.

Toshiro said nothing, which I didn't find strange considering how she had acted when I first met her "Officially" when she tried to escape out the hospital window.

Sasuke spoke up most likely knowing Toshiro wasn't going to go next.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things, and I don't particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream because I will make it a reality. I'm going to restore my clan and destroy a certain someone." Sasuke states with an ominous aura

Sakura and Naruto cringed at this.

I then turned my sights to Toshiro "And you?" I askd slightly more interested

"I'd thought that I'd finally learn more about her back round..." I wondered in vain

She stared blankly for a moment as if thinking about what she should say very carefully, like when I first met her, when suddenly Naruto piped up.

"Her name is Toshiro Hitsugaya, she likes Miso Ramen, pulling pranks with me, and hanging out, she doesn't like to talk, and she hates watching other's get hurt, she lives in the moment and she doesn't really think about the furture, she practices fighting a lot and carries a large, heavy sword." Naruto states

Everyone's face dropps, including mine.

I was surprised that he gave her introduction instead of her, but Sasuke and Sakura didn't seem confused about this at all and began to nod.

I figured by their reactions and the fact that no one corrected him that he'd just given an accurate statement.

"And...why couldn't Toshiro introcuce herself?" I askd curriously

"Hu? I told you, she doesn't like to talk" Naruto stated blankly

I was still very confused. I looked to Toshiro suspiciously. She shrugged.

After we got over the "She doesn't talk" concept Naruto then began asking about doing a mission

"What kind of mission are we going to have?" Naruto asked

Sakura, Sasuke and Toshiro now seemed interested

"It's a task that the five of us will do together." I stated

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