Chapter 2 - Ramyun

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile Jessica was in the bedroom, amazed by it. She was amazed by the fact that a person was actually sleeping in that room. A double bed by the side and a small wooden desk by the wall. Then there was a two door closet by the corner. Although the place was nothing even compared to her bedroom, Jessica didn’t show any dissatisfaction because she was thankful that she had a place to stay at.

“Will Key shii be okay sleeping on the couch?” Jessica asked worriedly, Key slightly gave her a vibe of being not wanted earlier on. Minho and Jonghyun nodded, assuring her. “He’ll be fine.”

Jessica wasn’t convinced, she felt extremely bad. “By the way, We’re all older than you. So you can call us oppa. If that’s fine with you Princess Jessica.” Minho spoke. Jessica nodded her head, smiling. “You can cut off the princess part now or you can call me Sica. It’s my first time calling someone oppa other than my own brother.” Jessica smiled brightly at the two. “Haha, Well we can be a big family now.”  Jonghyun joked, chuckling. “Do you two live here too?” Jessica asked, curious. Minho shook his head. “I live 10 minutes away from here, by myself since my umma lives in the mansion and my dad is in China handling a company.” Minho replied. Jessica nodded. Minho's mother which is her personal maid had been living under the mansion for a certain of years already. “I live at the condo next door.” Jonghyun smiled widely. “I’m going to work now.” Key’s voice was suddenly heard. The three of them inside the bedroom then heard the door slam. “Is he angry that I took his bed?” Jessica asked nervously. “If he doesn’t want me to stay here, I can find another..” The two boys cut her off. “It’s okay. He’s just a bit moody today.”

Jessica let out a sigh, still not convinced. “Where does he work at?” Jessica suddenly asked, wanting to know. “He works at a BBQ restaurant.” Minho answered, his eyebrow wiggling when talking. Jessica then remembered her other task that she had to complete. “Um, By any chance, do you guys know where I can find a job?” She asked, her eyes twinkling when she looked up at their eyes. Jonghyun scratched the back of his neck. “It’s kind of hard to find a job now. Did King Jung not give you money?”

Jessica pouted, shaking her head. “He gave me 300,000 won but I don’t think it’ll last me three months.” She replied honestly. Minho then snapped his fingers, an idea had popped in his head. “How about you work at the restaurant where Key is working at?”

Jessica arched a brow, unsure about the idea. “We know the boss there, I’d say we can get you in.” Minho added, showing his charismatic smile once again. “Really?” Jessica smiled widely, once again thankful for their kindness. Jonghyun chuckled, nodding. “Don’t worry, princess.. I mean, Sica. We’ll help you.” Jessica was smiling brightly. She was glad she met Jonghyun and Minho. Although she was still unfamiliar with Key, she knew he didn’t like her already. “Do you want something to eat now?” The three of them walked out of the bedroom. Jessica patted her empty stomach, slightly pouting. “’Neh, I’m hungry.” She said shyly. The boys chuckled at her cuteness. “Araso, I’ll cook Ramyun for you.” Minho offered as he walked towards the kitchen. “Ramyun?”

Jonghyun nodded. “Wae? You don’t like Ramyun?” He asked. Jessica shook her head, she smiled embarrassingly. “I’ve never tasted Ramyun before.” She confessed. Jonghyun and Minho’s eye’s widen, surprised to hear that Jessica had never ate Ramyun before. They were sure that every single person in Korea would have tasted Ramyun. “Well, Today is your lucky day.” The boys chuckled.

After several hours, Jessica was sitting on the couch by herself. Minho and Jonghyun had left a long time ago, Leaving Jessica by herself. She was bored and scared. She had been sitting on the couch like a statue for the past two hours. She was scared if she touched anything, Key would come back and give out to her. She wanted to sleep yet she felt sorry for sleeping on his bed. She wanted to cook something, however once she was in front of the stove, she didn’t want to touch it. Oil stains were seen everywhere. She wanted to go out for a walk but she didn’t know her directions. She had considered to pack away her clothes but there wasn’t any room for her to put them away.

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