Chapter 1 - Finding a place

Start from the beginning

Jessica once again sighed. She spent much time considering what to pack. After approximately 3 hours, Jessica finally filled one suitcase of clothes and one suit case of shoes and other necessary things.  Jessica pouted as she looked at her two suitcase sitting on the pink carpet floor in the middle of the room. Comparing the amount of clothes in the suitcase to her 3 levelled wardrobe, the suitcase clothes was nothing but just half a pea sized amount.

Once she was finished depressing over her clothes, Jessica left her wardrobe room and dragged her feet back to her bedroom. Once she entered her bedroom, she lazily walked over to her queen sized bed and laid down, looking up at her ceiling. She blinked numerous times, thinking that today would just vanish away and that none of the things had happened. However, she was just lying to herself because in two days time she would be a commoner for 3 months.

Slowly and slowly, after several minutes, Jessica drifted off to dreamland. Her thoughts and worries were gone until she wakes up again.


The second day had came, Jessica’s last day in the mansion. For some reason, Jessica felt her stomach tingling as she walked closer to the grand door. Her suitcases was seen sitting beside the door. Jessica slightly pouted as she looked at the maid standing by her side. The maid who had watched Jessica grow up and the maid who Jessica had always thought of as her own aunt.

“Ahjumma, I’m going to go now. I’ll ring back once in a while to tell you how I’m doing.” Jessica gave her a hug. “Take care of yourself. Your father had already announced it on the newspaper. He had told everyone not to give you any special treatments and just treat you like a normal young lady.” Jessica nodded slowly, knowing that it was apart of the deal. She was not allowed to have any kinds of special treatments.

The maid then shook Jessica’s hand, patting it gently. She secretly passed Jessica a small note. Jessica’s eyes slightly widen, curious on what the note is about. “My nephew is two years older than you. This is his address. He lives by himself, You can contact him if you can’t find a place to live.” The maid whispered into Jessica’s ears. Jessica nodded her head, giving a smile to the maid. “Thank you so much, Ahjumma.” She thanked sincerely. The maid nodded, patting her shoulder gently. “Now, Take care. 3 months will pass by quick.” Jessica smiled at the maid warmly. “Thank you.” She thanked one last time then walked towards the door. She grabbed the handles of her two suitcase and left the mansion, carrying her suitcase by herself.

Outside was a car waiting for her, Jessica got in and closed the door. She looked out of the window and was already missing her mansion, her bedroom and her wardrobe. “Princess Jessica, Princess Tiffany and Prince Yunho had told me to give this to you.” The chauffer turned around to hand Jessica a folded letter. Jessica thanked the chauffer before unfolding the letter.

Jessica silently read the letter to herself.

‘Dear, our Sicaaaaa.

Sorry we couldn’t do anything to help you.

We really wish you the best when you’re out there!

Take care of yourself and don’t cause any trouble.

We have hired a body guard to look after you secretly, Umma and Appa doesn’t know about it. The body guard will not show himself, he will just be looking after you from behind.

Also, we tried to make a back account for you as Appa had already stopped your other ones for the moment. But appa found out so we couldn’t do anything about it. So please use your money wisely!

If you’re really having trouble, you should come back. However, that means you lost so you will have to marry him. We know you’re a very stubborn kid so we know you will do whatever it takes to not lose.

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