citat//addict with a pen

86 20 3

"I'm just being dramatic
In fact, I'm only at it again
As an addict with a pen
Who's addicted to the wind
As it blows me back and forth
Mindless, spineless, and pretend
Of course I'll be here again
See you tomorrow
But it's the end of today
End of my ways
As a walking denial
My trial was filed
As a crazy, suicidal head case
But you specialize in dying
You hear me screaming 'father'
And I'm lying here just crying
So wash me with your water"

-Twenty One Pilots,
Addict With A Pen

//Jag är så himla, himla mätt just nu alltså ni förstår inte har fått så himla mycket god mat jdkclcl. Sen så kom jag hem och började lyssna på musik och så råkade det vara den här låten så nu sitter jag i min säng och gråter.//

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