Chapter 13

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"Alright butt-wipes, your not here to have fun your here to become a soldier!" our corprell said. Three weeks later me and Charlie were off to our two month training camp. There were tears from my mum and Andrex whinned alot but i had to go.

We were standing in a line in our dorms, we were ranged in girls all ages. Obviously the men wern't in our dorm it was only girls. We were in a line and our corprell was talking-shouting- to us. "your here to learn what its like to be a soldier and become one, this will e two months of hell!" he said and his face was so red, you could see the blue vains showing.

We were given uniforms and shown how to keep them in our bed area which was our bed, a bedside table and a wardrobe on the left side of your bed.We didnt do anything on the first day but the second was like corprell said 'hell'.

We had to do a fitness course, running under berbed-wire, climbing over verticle wooden walls and muddy puddles were featured alot. I lay in my bed after dinner all sore and weak.We were aloud to keep our phones, i personally thought they would take them but im not complaining. I hissed in pain as i stretched over to my table and picked up my phone and opened up my contacts.

I clicked on Alex's name and the call button and put it to my ear, after two rings she picked up

"hello?" she said and i smiled at her voice

"hey sweetie!" i said 

"hey sweetie!" she said all happy and i laughed a bit

"i miss you!" i said sitting up in my bed

"i miss you to, how is it?" she asked and is miled

"good, its the army so no doubt you have some idea. Hows home?" i asked and she laughed a bit at what i said

 "its fine, missing you. Andrex has taken a shine to his bed, you can tell he misses you!" she said and i frowned 

"it wont be long!" i said in reasurance

"i know but we still miss you!" she said and i smiled

"so how is everyone else then?" i asked

"your parents are holding up, Tina and Grace have a wedding date, its the day after you get back!" she said with a bit more cheerful tone, i smiled

"thats good, im glad i'll be there for it then!" i said and she laughed a bit

"my sister made it clear im not aloud to wear my trackies!" she said with a light laugh

"well you can tell your sister you wont, not if im there!" i said and she laughed

"but there comfy!" she said in defence and i sighed

"well then i get to wear my bed!" i said and she laughed

"okay fine i wont wear them!" she said and i cheered and some of the girls looked at me

"we have break through, now we just need to get you not wearing them unless your teaching!" i said and she laughed

"i really miss you, it feels weird not being able to just jump over the balcony!" she said and i frowned 

"dont worry, i'll be home soon so dont go jumping that balcony just yet!" i said and she laughed

"you made it sound like im commiting suacide!" she said and i laughed

"i hope not, i dont want to loose you!" i said and she laughed a bit

"good cos im not going anywhere!" she said and i smiled

"Well i need to go, were up at six and i am very tired so i need some shut eye!" i said and she laughed 

"okay sweetie, love you!" she said and i smiled

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