Chapter 9

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So its now summer, i know there was a big jump from christmas to now but nothing big happened and i dont think you want to know it all so i will sumerise. I got my test done, i actually went to them and considering at the start of the year i was gonna dog them its good. I met some more of the family, my parents wanted to wait until everything was official before i met them which i agreed to. I met them in April, we had a big barbeque. Theres Uncle Paul and Aunt Clare, who have two kids, Jake and Tracy who are twins and are sixteen. Theres also Aunt Joyce who is my mums siter, she isnt married but has a dog, Boy who gets on with Andrex.

I had just been drenched in water from by Alex. We were having a water fight. All the family was round, the aunts and uncles and the twins and we were having a berbeque. Alex and her family were round and so was Cara and Charlie. We were split in two team, me, Tracy and Cara, Grace against Alex,Charlie, Jake. Grace had called out as she was to wet so it was just the six of us.

I grabbed my water gun and chased Alex around the graden. We were still daiting and had been on two dates both very romantic. The first was a walk and dinner by the beach and the other she spent the day with me and we went to different places. 

She stoped and caught her breath "for a PE tacher you seem to be pretty tired!" i said as she sat next to my Aunt Joyce who people call Joy "i am human!" she said and Joy laughed "no really, i thought you were a robot!" i said and squirted her face, she smiled "could you do that again you were cooling me off!" she said and i laughed,

"well you are wearing trackies so i dont give you any sympathy!" i said and she smiled "why what do you want me to be wearing?" she asked and i sighed "not what i ment!" i said. The rest of the family found out we were dating when my mum let it slip, really cant tell her anything. They also found out she was my teacher but when they saw the way we acted they didnt mind.

I squirted her "naughty!" i said and she laughed and wiped the water of her face and got up and got a gun and i ran "dinner!" i heard my dad shout and i went to walk away but my back got cold and i knew Alex was squiting my back. I turned and soaked her and she sighed "im out!" she said and i laughed and squirted her face. She blocked the spray with her hand and i sighed "thats cheating!" i said and she laughed a bit "oh well come on!" she said and took my hand and we went up the back of the garden for dinner

"traitor!" Cara said and pointed to mine and Alex's hands and i laughed a bit "yup!" i said and she shook her head "traiter!" she said and i laughed and my dad gave me my burger. My mum didnt want us all sitting on her new fabric chairs and getting them all wet so we had to sit on the conctrete floor in the blazing sun while they sat on comfy chairs in the nice shade.

The sauce was passed from them to us and Alex got it "want some?" she asked and i nodded and she put some on my burger but put a message on it saying, i 'heart' you. I smiled and turned to her, we hadnt said 'i love you' yet "say it!" i whispered as my friends and family were around us but couldnt hear. She smiled "i love you!" she whispered and i smiled "i love you to!" i said and we kissed but not for long as we felt something cold on our face.

We turned to see my mum squirting us, she held the gun up and blew the firing zone "eat!" she said and walked away and we laughed and i took a bite of my burger. Alex went and got changed and so did i. Whe i came back out i was ambushed by everyone except Alex who was sitting talking to my Aunt Joy, she was an author and always talked about her books, all thirty!

I smiled and grabbed a bucket and filled it with water, i was gonna get Alex back. I walked up to her and she smiled "hey sweetie!" i said and she laughed a bit "i forgot yo give you a christmas preseant !" i said and poured the bucket over her. She laughed and stood up and gave me a hug, if i thought i was wet before nothing compared to it now, her clothes soaked that water up and just poured it out on me

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