District 4 Reaping

Start from the beginning

It was long, and slightly agonizing, but I knew it would be worth it once I got my shark.

About halfway up the cliff the squabblefinder began to regain consciousness. "What....?" It moaned dumbly, as it was dragged even farther up the cliff.

I ignored it and kept singing, getting to my favorite verse about how the shark would fall at my feet begging for mercy.

Suddenly the squabblefinder gave a shriek that resembled one of a prepubescent male, it began thrashing unrelentingly as it screamed.

"W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!!!" It asked finally, it's voice tight. I quickly concluded it was nervous.

"Going fishing. DUH." I said simply, continuing to drag the squabblefinder uphill.

"For what?" It asked, stopping its repetitive, annoying, attempt at escape.

".....Fish, you idiot." I grumbled pulling harder than ever as I saw the end of the path ahead.

"Ok.... Then why am I tied up and being dragged up a cliff?" It asked nervously, trying to get a good look at me.

"Your the bait." I growled, the heat and heavy lifting seriously taking a toll on my mood. I mean seriously, where is a little breeze when you need one?!!

"You can't be serious." It muttered going white, which, according to my study's was a sign of pleasure.

I gave it my best grin which, in the past had made babies cry, and said "You bet!!! Now shuddup so I can think." I growled the last part, allowing myself to display my inner mood.

It let out a bloodcurdling scream and began thrashing again.

When I finally reached my destination, I was at the end of my rope. The stupid thing just wouldn't be quiet. It racked my brain like a chainsaw would.... That reminded me..... I need a new chainsaw..... -- Anyway I took a moment to breathe and take in my normally otherwise comforting place.

My special place was a flat peninsula of land that jutted out over the ocean, dropping off to a 50 foot cliff, at the bottom of which was the blue, tumbling sea I loved so much. I look under the lone tree that was still standing, (I had chopped the rest down in a fit of anger, about a month or so ago now.....) and saw my shark fishing kit right where I had left it.

Ok my break was over, I had to start now if I wanted to make it to the Fight To The Death pickings later. Those were always amusing, I chucked involuntarily, seeing a peasant dragged up to the table screaming was always a good pastime, however sometimes their were volunteers, which made it a lot less amusing. I sigh as I grabbed the anchor and dragged it to the side of the cliff, the chain that attached it to the tree clinking loudly as I pulled.

I straightened up, cracking my back, upon reaching my destination. Ugh all this heavy lifting.... What's a girl to do?! I thought disgruntled, as I walked over to the still squirming squabblefinder.

"You- you MANIAC!!!!" It uttered as I slung it over my shoulder, unamused by the unoriginal insult.

"I prefer the term visionary." I said flatly as I dropped it in top of the anchor, with unusually good aim. The sharp upturned point of the anchor pierced the squabblefinders side as if his flesh was no more than a slice of butter. It screamed louder than before as it thrashed violently. Fresh blood splattered all over the place, including onto my pretty dress I had picked out for the Fight To The Death pickings later on, how inconsiderate!!!!

Oh well. Nothing I could do about it now.... I grabbed the anchor and kicked it over the side of the cliff, watching in amusement as the squabblefinder screamed.

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