"Magic" Mirrors

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            The next morning, I almost have to wonder if the previous evening had all been a part of my imagination, or if it had any sense of reality and truth to it. I find myself down leaning against the same pillar, looking out at the expanse of garden and statues decorating it. I think back to the way she could feel the fire, reach through it and reach my skin without being burned the slightest bit. I light my hand up, watching the flames jumping from between my fingers.

"Ronnie?" Frost's voice jolts me from being mesmerized by it. Turning I offer a smile and greet her, "Frost."

"You have told me so much about you, I think it's my turn to share. Come." She beckons me to follow her, and I do so without hesitation. We walk back through the halls and up the grand staircase, I pause momentarily as she begins to go up towards her own wing. She stops and turns to look over her shoulder at me, a raised eyebrow at seeing me hesitating at the bottom of the winding stairs. "Are you coming?"

"Uh, yes. Yes, I'm coming." I blew out the breath I didn't realize I'd been holding in as I began to move up the stairs. Her dress was fit to her body, flaring out around her knees and trailing a bit behind her. There was a shimmery cape like train that attached around the shoulders of the dress, connecting down the back and ending just beyond the skirt. It swished as she moved, the soft sound of fabric rustling and I could hear the clinking of ice as well. The hallways are long, winding, and full of beautiful architecture, just like in the rest of the castle. We stop at an ornate door, and I follow her inside.

I blink in surprise at seeing a vast library. Several stories high, filled to the brim with books. Plenty of comfortable seating and small tables in between are in the center and to the sides within the rounded shelving. "Wow...." I trail off, sort of at a loss for words.

"Yes, it is quite the impressive library, is it not?" She runs her fingertips along a line of books before turning to face me. "This library has been growing since the beginning of my family line. I spent a good deal of time adding to it myself ever since I can remember. I've always loved to read, knowledge has always appealed to me." Her eyes roam along, from the floor to the ceiling.

"My mother left when I was nine." She moves and stands behind one of the plush chairs, her fingertips dancing along the back as her mind works, remembering. "Like I told you yesterday, she told me she was looking for a cure to a curse. The way she spoke made it sound like either she had caused it or had been expecting it as if the curse ran through our bloodline. Generation to generation. I cannot be entirely sure, I was a child and did not understand everything she had said." A sigh escaped her blue lips and she moved around the chair before sinking down into the cushion.

"I am unable to change her laws and rules." Her shoulders are slumped, "Not until I am both of age and married. It is not allowed. This is why I cannot simply change the penalties or allow you free to return home. Not without possible repercussions for everyone." She seemed thoughtful.

"I am not worried for my family." I tell her honestly, "I shall miss them greatly, that is true, but they are strong and can survive without me until the sentence is served."

"I do have something, that may ease that." She stands back up quickly, and I follow her back out of the library and further down the halls. We enter another room, one that has jagged ice embedded into places on the walls and floors. In the dimmer lighting, it has a sinister appearance. "Here." She picks up a small mirror with a device attached to it.

"What is it?" I ask as she hands it to me, her cool skin brushing mine.

"A device that Cisco built, many a year ago actually. Not long after she left." Frost purses her lips, "It shows you what you most want to see. You press your finger tight to this spot-" she points to a small reflective spot on the handle. "-and either say or think what you wish to see, focusing on it."

Clearing her throat, she continued talking, "I used it quite often within the first few months. But having responsibilities I slowly stopped coming to look after my mother. There was nothing I could do to help her, and she would have wanted me to stay focused on whatever I needed to do. So, I let her go. I haven't looked for her in years."

"So," I start, "I just say that I would like to see the professor or Clarissa, and then they appear in the mirror?"

"Yes." She nods, "Please, by all means." She waves me to try it. "I would not have shown you this had I not wanted you to use it, should you wish."

"Thank you." I nod, smiling softly before focusing on the mirror as she stepped away from me, moving to stand out of the large open balcony. "I would like to see Professor Stein and Clarissa." I say aloud in a strong voice. A flash of electric blue and deep black like clouds swirl in the glass. Slowly the image comes into focus and I take a sharp breath of surprise. The professor is being mocked by other townspeople. Marcella and Edith behind their father's, whispering words to them with a venomous determination in their eyes, glaring at each other all the while. They obviously wanted something. I can barely make out the words some of them are saying between the ringing in my ears and the buzz of people's voices.

He was telling them about how I was being kept prisoner, that it was unjust and unfair. Martin was pleading help to come get me released from my cage. Harsh words flew from him about Frost, and I can't hold it against him because he is not here to know the whole story. But he is in trouble, and my mind races as I wish I could do something.

"Martin, he's in trouble." I choke out the words and she turns around, confusion in her eyes. Coming closer she glances down at the mirror, "Trouble?" Her eyes widen at seeing the crowd around him, the caged cart which he was being pulled towards.

"Then you must go." Her voice rises as she looks up to me, her wide eyes meeting mine.

"But I thought I could not leave?"

"You are not supposed to. But I cannot keep you from saving your family." Her voice wavers on the words and she grips my hands in hers, keeping them closed around the mirror.

"You shall be in trouble if I go." I protest, not wanting her to suffer as well.

"That is on me, my own decision." She nearly snaps, "You must go. You must protect your family while you still have a family to protect. My mother's staff loyal to her roam both the grounds and halls, but they also tend to avoid me. I shall deal with them best I can, after we sneak you out of here." Keeping one of our hands entwined she pulls me behind her and we run through the halls, peeking around corners and dashing to and fro. Finally, we reach the kitchen and hurriedly close the door behind us.

"Barry. Cisco." I greet, short of breath.

"Cisco, how has your breaching practice been coming?" Frost asks, gulping for air.

"Not good I'm afraid." He answers with a frown, "It takes me many tries to simply locate the place I wish to go. We're talking many, many attempts. It would take me a long time to get anywhere."

"Barry, can you run Ronnie to the village?" She looks to the speedster.

"Yeah, shouldn't be too much of a problem. Why?" He shrugs after considering the idea.

"Ronnie's family is in trouble. He needs to go help them." She explains, talking fast.

"But the rules?" Cisco's brow furrows.

"I know the rules. We can't let them know, just have to sneak him out. Which is why I come to the both of you. You can get out undetected for at least a few hours' time." Her eyes are hard as she looks between them. "Go, go. Before it's too late!" She urges use.

Barry steps forward, grabbing onto me, holding my neck straight. "For whiplash." He says, "ready?"

I nod, "Ready."

Wind roars past us, but I barely notice it. Colors and objects become a blur. Just as suddenly we are on the outskirts of the town.

Meta and the Beastحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن