A Royal Wedding

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            The suit that Thea made me is much more elaborate and fancy than the others. Of course, it had to be for such an occasion. My nerves make me jittery, and I try not to pace back and forth at the front of the throne room right below the few steps up to where the throne's sit.

"Relax Ronnie." Cisco laughs, clapping a hand to my shoulder. "It's almost time now."

I take a deep breath in an attempt to quell the nervousness bubbling up inside me. Music starts, Cisco moves to his spot, and everything else seems to fade from around me as she steps through the tall doors. Thea's outdone herself, and I absently make a mental note to thank her for her hard work later. Caitlin looks absolutely perfect, like an angel. Her dress has off the shoulder lace sleeves that reach down to her wrists. Around her knees the dress flares out wide, with a long train behind her. A veil is draped both behind her and in front her face.

Martin walks her down the aisle and passes her off to me, a smile on his face. I barely notice anything, somehow managing to get through the ceremony with my mind one-hundred percent focused on my beautiful Caitlin. Gently I lift the veil over her head, still breathless. Some of her currently brunette hair is pulled back and pinned with the veil, the rest falls in large curls down her back and over her shoulders. My palms caress her face, holding it as I lean in to kiss her. I grin as our lips meet, and I feel her smile into the kiss as well.

Cheers erupt from those invited, family, friends, dignitaries and royalty. We all make our way to the ballroom, Caitlin on my arm as I lead her to the center for our first dance as husband and wife. I hold her close as we move gracefully together, leaning close I whisper to her, my lips at her ear, Laurel's voice melding with the music in the background, "This is the happiest day of my life. I love you so much."

She giggles, a melodic sound, before replying. "As it is mine. I love you."

Laurel was another woman who had been here for quite some time, nearly as long as Thea. She was friends with the girl, and traveled with her as a musician and singer. I had not had the opportunity to meet her previously, as she had been sick during the last parties and was unable to sing. She did not wish to get anyone else sick, and had thus stayed in her own quarters until it passed.

The song comes to an end and our eyes meet, there is a sparkle of utter happiness in them that makes my heart swell even more somehow. I bow, kissing the back of her hand as she curtsies. Other couples join us as the music strikes up again, and we manage to get through a few dances together before we are interrupted, by Cisco of course.

"She's my best friend, I get to be the first to cut in." Caitlin rolls her eyes at him, but is more than happy to oblige, he is after all her nearest and dearest friend. I take the time to dance with Clarissa and then take a break to watch the festivities.

Barry is dancing with Iris, twirling around looking happy as can be. Henry and Joe seem to be getting along well, and if I had to guess Joe is probably sharing stories of Barry's childhood that Henry missed out on. A woman in a gold and black dress interrupts Cisco and Caitlin's third dance, claiming Cisco for the next dance.

"Ollie?" I hear a gasp, and recognize Thea's voice. Looking over I see her drop the papers she is carrying around, acting as planner she was carrying information to help keep the festivities rolling smoothly. I, as some others also do, look on confused as a man with blonde hair stares at her, slack jawed.

"Thea?" He chokes out, still staring. A woman comes walking up behind him, "Oliver- "She doesn't finish her sentence as her eyes travel past him and to Thea. "Thea." She breathes, stopping in her tracks.


It was almost immediate that the three of them pulled each other close, hugging tightly and crying. Another shocked voice interrupted the moment. "Ollie?" Laurel breathed out from my other side, having taken a break to get something to drink.

"Laurel?" He choked on her name too, his disbelief apparent on his face and in his voice just as before. Without hesitating they moved at the same time, he reached for her and took her face in his hands, pressing his lips to hers and kissing her desperately. She began crying as she laughed, "I missed you so much Ollie." Her hands cupping his face now, brushing her thumbs across his cheeks. "I missed you so much."

"I love you. I love you. I love you." He peppered her face with kisses as he repeatedly said this. She repeated it back to him simultaneously, not willing to let go.

It almost startles me when Caitlin winds her right arm around my left. She is smiling softly at the display, the amazing coincidence. Her head rests on my shoulder, "How wonderful." She murmurs, obviously happy for her friend. He whisks her out of the room, and Caitlin whispers that she is sure they are going to walk through the garden. "She loves the flower out there, and it's so peaceful." She explains immediately, "Come, let's dance." She tugs on my hand lightly, giving me a small begging pout, and I melt, allowing myself to be pulled back out.

Thea is brought to the dancefloor by a man who I recognize as one of the guards who came with Oliver, who I now know is her brother. The Queen family are not royalty, but they are among the nobility, hence the need for guards. He was wearing red, just the same as Thea. If I recalled correctly he had introduced himself at some point by the name of Roy, Roy Harper. He was a brave young man who only wanted to help do good in the world, and he said that working with Oliver was helping him do just that.

            Cisco is still with the brunette woman in gold, and Barry seems happy dancing with a blonde woman whose name was Patricia Spivot, she was one of the few from our village that fought on our side.

It seems that we're not the only ones who found their happy ending. My life feels complete now as we spin around, surrounded by many other dancing couples and friends.


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