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            The next few days leading up to the welcoming party I'm all but left to my own devices and only catch glimpses of Cisco, Barry, and on occasion even Frost. I pause in my drawings as I my mind wanders, wondering what Martin had told Clarissa and how they were holding up. They're strong, they can survive without me; they have before, and they will now. Besides, I told myself, I'd see them eventually. If they didn't pass before my time here was up that is.

I sigh, staring down at the drawings and blueprints on my desk. I'd been spending these last few days fleshing out the ideas I had originally had for the professor's workshop. Even though I knew I would not get to build it for him, at least not anytime soon, I still wanted the design to be perfect on the chance that I would still be able to build it just for him one day.

A knock sounds at the door and I jump up from my chair as it opens, only to have Thea stick her head inside. "Ronnie." She greets me, "I apologize for the intrusion, I have come to help you get ready for the welcome celebration." I nod, accepting her apology immediately.

"You know," I pause, "It is an odd thing to have celebrations to welcome someone who is called a prisoner." I frown, the thought had been bothering me the last few days and I had been wanting to talk to Cisco about it. I had a feeling it was something he had a hand in, or had started more of a tradition for it.

"I suppose it is." She shakes her head, "But it is something Cisco and the Lady worked together to begin. They did not wish us to feel as though we are truly prisoners here. She is working to abolish and remove her mother's law, but while she is cursed it is easier said than done." Thea explains as I change into the fancy dress clothes, marveling at the craftmanship and intricate stitching.

"This is amazing Thea." I praise her work, "You are truly talented."

"Thank you." Her eyes light up and she seems to stand taller, quite pleased with my reaction. She studies me and I don't bother to argue when she brushes her fingers through my hair, making some kind of decision. "Sit." She demands, pointing at the vanity chair. "I'm going to cut and style your hair." She tells me as I comply, "How would you feel about shorter hair?"

"How short?" I raise an eyebrow, our eyes meeting in the reflection of the mirror. Maybe closer to the length Barry has, roughly around his ears." She explains what she wants to do, and I nod as I listen.

"You do what you think is best." I tell her, accepting that she'd likely do it anyways. I might as well just give her permission. Besides, with the amazing job she's already done with the new clothing they are providing me with, I'm sure she couldn't make me look ridiculous, not even if she tried.

Closing my eyes, I let her work, scissors snipping through my hair as she worked. My head felt lighter once she was finished, and she immediately moved on to putting a swirling design with paint onto the side of my face. "The gold, silver, and red design will match the one on your clothing." She explains, "It's going to look amazing when I'm done. I promise." I was apprehensive, but I suppose she knew more about formal affairs and how to dress up for them.

A knock sounds on the door just as Thea is finishing. "Yea?" Thea calls out before I can.

"Are you ready?" Cisco's voice asks, and I hear the door open and close as he comes into the room.

"Just finishing right now." She responds. "Aannnd..." She draws out the word, pausing after, "Done!" She declares and I hear her drop her utensils on the vanity in front of me. I don't have a chance to look in the mirror before the two of them are pulling me with them towards the door. We get to the ballroom and I finally have a chance to stop and get a good look at my companions. Thea is wearing a deep red dress with thick ties crossing over her arms and torso. Red and black dance together in glittery lines across her face, and I see the red tinge on her skin through the partially open sleeves. Cisco has a similar outfit to mine, with different colors and stitching embroidered upon the black expanse of fabric. Barry suddenly appears next to us, and I realize he has powers too- super speed. His clothing is close in design, but is instead a vibrant red not unlike Thea's.

Another woman comes in on the arm of an older gentleman. They both have darker skin, and look to be related. "Hello Ronald." The man greets first as they approach, and shakes my hand. "My name is Joseph West," He smiles easily, "and this is my daughter Iris."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ronald." She smiles as well. She is wearing black and gold, the top fitted to her with a ruffled skirt.

As we talk we nibble on some food from a refreshment table full of small treats and goodies. I am surprised again, this time by how wonderful everything tasted. Has food always tasted this good? I can't remember anything tasting like this from the village. I find out that Joseph, who insists I call him Joe, has taken care of Barry like his own since he first arrived here. He and Iris are like siblings, poking fun at each other with teasing remarks.

Iris stops talking for a moment, staring at something over our shoulders. "Wow, Thea, you really outdid yourself with that one."

"You really think so?" Thea eyes something behind us, and I assume it's a person.

"Yeah, it's impressive." Iris nods.

"What are you-"Cisco starts asking as we turn around and are facing the staircase.

"Wow." I breathe the word as I look at what they had been scrutinizing. It's Frost, and she's definitely been dressed up for the occasion by Thea. Her dress fits to her form down to her hips before flaring out. Her skirt trails behind her with a gauzy iridescent fabric acting as a train that is attached at her waist on the back. It is sleeveless, but ice decorates some of her exposed skin, glittering in the light. Her snow blonde hair falls in relaxed curls around her shoulders and framing her face. An icy crown rests upon her head, and the thought that she may be royalty barely even registers in the back of my mind.

Music playing softly urges me forward, and I offer her my arm as she steps down the last few steps. "Would you care to dance, Frost?" the words find their way past my lips, just as my body seemed to move of its own accord.

After a moment's pause, she places a delicate hand in my own larger and more calloused one. "Yes." Her voice is smooth, "I would very much so care to dance with you, Ronnie." A small smile forms on her lips, and we move to the center of the large ballroom. With ease we twirl and spin, setting a pace as we move.

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