Your Name?

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            The next few days I spend my time exploring the castle, Cisco and Barry by my side telling me about some of the things we pass or stop to see. The architecture and design is more fascinating in the light that streams through the many windows. I am studying the structure and design in the main entryway, the large expanse of space, perfect marble staircase, and everything I can see.

"So, what is it you do- uh, did?" Cisco asks, correcting himself as he speaks.

"I didn't have just one job." I stop, thinking back to just last week. "I always did like building things," I gesture around the room, "and my powers came in great handy with metal working But I suppose those were my main jobs at any rate." I nod, almost wistful now knowing I won't be able to build the workshop for the professor or anything else likely.

"If it is your passion surely we can find both material and space for you to utilize." The cool voice cuts through the air, and I hold my breath as my eyes find her. This is the first I've seen her since that first evening, in the cell.

"Hello." My voice is low as I greet her, still wondering what her name is but not sure I should ask. At least not yet.

"Hello Ronald." Her light eyes meet mine, and I swear my heart fluttered when she said my name, just like it did before the first time. I hadn't realized what it was then and had thought it was from fear or stress, but now I'm not entirely sure.

After a moment, another voice cuts in. "You let me think she didn't know you were setting him up in a room!" Barry turns and whacks Cisco on the arm, an angry look on his face.

In response Cisco only laughs. "I thought it'd be funny." He shrugs, not offering any further explanation.

"Relax Bartholomew." She tells him, rolling her eyes with a slight shake of her head as she slowly makes her way down off the final few steps. Even so, she simply looks amused by his reactions, a small smile on her lips. "Cisco meant you no harm." I immediately notice that he is the only person she's referred to with a nickname.

Turning to me again she speaks, "I have come to inform you that we shall be hosting a welcoming party, and that it shall be held come the end of next week. If you have any specific requests please,"

"Tell me." Cisco finishes for her, giving her a cheeky grin as she looks at him with a raised eyebrow, but still not looking annoyed with him in the slightest.

"Yes," she confirms his statement, "Tell Cisco. He will be helping organize preparations. Miss Thea shall be meeting with you again today, to fit some of the garments she's be making to make sure they shall be the proper size and are to your liking." She nods her head slightly, and looks like she's mentally going through a list in her head, making sure she's gone over everything she had wanted to. "I shall leave you to consider my offer for workspace and to enjoy the rest of your evening in peace." Her smile leaves her face and she turns to go back the way she came.

"Wait-" I jolt forward before I can stop myself and she almost spins around to face me, her dress swishing and twisting, the ice clinking softly.

"Yes?" She tilts her head inquisitively at me.

"I was just-"I cut myself off, clearing my throat, "was just wondering what I should call you? What is your name?" My heart races in the silence that follows.

"Frost." She answers simply, drawing her shoulders back as she keeps her eyes and face clear of emotion. There is almost a vacant look to her when she does this. After another pause she is gone and I stare after her.

"So," I turn back to them, "your full name is Bartholomew then?"

Barry shrugs, his lips tight in an almost smile. "Yes, my full name is Bartholomew. Why?"

"I just know someone whose son shares the same name." I explain, and for a second I wonder if he is the missing son, he does resemble Henry quite a bit. Shaking it off I tell myself that I'm sure it's just my imagination, just me willing his son to be alive and well. "I was just surprised, that's all."

Later that evening Thea comes to my room, just as Frost had told me she would.

"Ronnie?" She knocks, "Are you ready?" I open the door for her immediately, "Yes, of course Thea. I was told you'd be stopping by."

Her arms are full of cloth and she smiles over the bundle that reaches up to her chin. "Good." She attempts to nod, and I step aside so she can come in past me. "We have quite a bit to do, starting with your welcome party look." She smiles almost devilishly at me as she pulls out an elaborate set that looks like it is made for someone of a much higher class than me.

"Wow." I blink at it as she urges me to take it and go behind the screen.

"It's not finished just yet, I have to add embellishments, embroider, etcetera." She waves her hand in the air and I slide behind the tall screen to change. It doesn't take me long to pull it on, and to my pleasant surprise it fits perfectly.

Stepping back out her eyes widen excitedly, "Oh wow, I was right. That looks just wonderful on you." Thea beams in pride as I tell her, "You certainly can work magic." Turning I look at myself in the three-piece mirror, taking in the details. It was, almost in entirety, black in color. Bright red on the undersides of the jacket, and my vest is in the same vibrant shade. Silver and gold threads are woven together, the beginnings of an embroidery design that I'm sure will turn out to be absolutely amazing once finished.

With ease and skill Thea makes adjustments, putting pins in places and checking the fit. It doesn't take long to get through the rest of the clothing she brought, and I am still amazed at how nice it all is. Much nicer than an inventors son is used to, that's for sure.


Meta and the BeastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora