Seamstress Designer and a Tour

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            It seems to be with reluctance that Cisco follows Barry and leaves me alone in the lavish room, but before he goes he tells me they shall be back to make sure I receive dinner later and that they will be sending someone ahead of them to take measurements to make sure they can have clothes made for me since I was to stay here and obviously did not bring any with me.

After I sit alone, in the quiet, for a short while a soft knock comes from the door. "Hello? Monsieur?" A woman's voice follows and I open the door for her. "Hello?" I greet, and blink in surprise to see a small woman in front of me. She has long, straight, brown hair and deep, green eyes. She is well dressed, and carries a pack with her, which tells me she is the one sent ahead for my measurements. She too has red and black tinging her skin, traveling in wisps along her hands and forearms.

"My name is Thea." She tells me with a smile, "I used to work as a traveling seamstress and clothing designer. I'm here to take your measurements."

"I'm Ronald, please call me Ronnie. " I tell her, "What do you mean used to?" I dare to ask as I invite her inside, and her lips form a thin line.

"Yes, used to. I," She paused, "I had to stop after I arrived here for various reasons." Sadness filled her expression, but it was hidden again before I could comment on it. "Now, let's get those measurements." She tells me before giving me instructions while she takes notes and writes things down on a pad of paper.

She speaks again after a few short minutes, "I've got everything I need." Thea tells me as she reviews her pad before looking up with a smile, "I shall see you soon."

"Wait, Thea." I call and she stops at the door, turning to look at me. "Yes Ronald?"

"Uh, you seemed sad before, I am sorry to have brought up bad memories. It was not my intention. I was just wondering, If you're willing to tell me of course, what it was and if you were all right?" I clear my throat and she averts her eyes.

"Uh." She bites her lip, "I- I'll be okay. Eventually." Her voice is soft as she speaks, "I uh, I cannot leave this place either. I cannot go back home, to my friends and family. They do not know where I am, of that I am near certain."

"I'm sorry Thea." I apologize, feeling for her loss which I now share.

"It's not your doing." She smiles sadly before slipping through the door. Shortly after her departure I hear Cisco approaching in the hallway and open the door just as he is about to knock. "I heard you coming." I tell him after laughing at his surprised face.

"Ah." He shakes his head and lets out a laugh as well. "I'm going to give you a tour and you'll have free roam to and find your way around the castle." He beckons me to follow and halfway down the hall he stops suddenly. "Oh! And we shall be hosting a party to welcome you to the castle. I am sorry it is not under better circumstances, but we want you to feel welcome here since this is to be your new home." He looks apologetic, but I can see he hopes I will like it here. "But first, let's get some dinner."

I follow him through the winding hallways and down to the kitchens where we retrieve some dinner and sit down to eat with Barry. After we finish, I follow both Cisco and Barry through the castle once more, and they show me where things are. We stop at the main entrance and I realize there is another staircase we did not venture up. "What about that way?" I ask, waving my hand towards it.

"Oh," Cisco purses his lips, "That is the one area of the castle that is off limits. It is where her rooms are."

I nod, accepting this. She likely just wanted privacy, and who could blame her.

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