Stay Out Of My Life

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Maya's POV
I'm now back home and things are perfectly normal. Lucas and I haven't been having sleepovers for the past couple days and that's okay. We are still closer than ever but tonight we are hanging out since we don't have school tomorrow. My door bell rings and I assume that it's Lucas at the door.
"Hi baby girl" he says once I open the door.
"Hi cutie" I say wrapping my arms around his neck and his go tightly around my waist.
"So what do you wanna do tonight?" He asks me.
"I don't know, we could hang out with some people here" I say as we walk into the kitchen. I open the fridge and look for food and Lucas comes up behind me and kisses my cheek.
"What do you want?" I say teasingly.
"You." He says whispering in my ear. I turn around and give him a quick peck while I start making a snack for us.
After we eat a little bit, we decide to invite some people over. I've been having some trouble with Jasmine, a girl in my friend group. She's been kind of rude to me but everyone else in my friend group like loves her so I didn't know if I should invite her but I ended up doing it anyway, I just don't plan on talking to her. I told everyone to bring their swimsuits so that we could go swimming. People aren't gonna get here for another hour so at the moment Lucas and I are just chilling in my room on our phones.
"How was your day baby?" I ask putting my phone down and straddling his waist.
"It was alright, I struggled a bit on the language arts test but I think I did okay." He says running my back up and down.
"Why don't you let me help you study?" I ask rubbing my hands up and down his chest.
"Because i don't want you to think that I'm stupid. I don't understand a lot of things and you'd get really annoyed and frustrated with me, I promise you."
"I could never get annoyed with someone as cute as you" I say cupping his face in my hands.
"You really think I'm stupid?" He says
"What? No of course not! Why would you think that?" I say.
"I just told you that I'm dumb and I expected you to tell me that I'm your smart and hot boyfriend but you didn't." He says pouting
"Haha. I'm sorry baby I just don't listen to lies so I when I heard that you called yourself stupid, I just didn't listen" I say laughing.
"Alright Maya" he says laughing and then I kiss him. He smiles into the kiss and I know that he doesn't think that he's stupid anymore.
"I love you baby, now let's get changed!" I say pulling him off my bed. I pick out a swimsuit from my closet and then get changed. I come back into my room to see that Lucas is changed as well.
"Are you gonna talk to Jasmine tonight?" He asks me. I roll my eyes.
"Can we not talk about her?" I ask
"Babe you've gotta talk to her about how you feel at some point. You can't avoid her forever" he says.
"And why not?" I ask raising my eyebrow at him.
"Because that's not how life works"
"It's none of your business if I talk to her or not, stay out of my life"
"Stay out of your life?" He asks getting his shirt and putting it back on. "Fine. Whatever Maya, fuck you. I was just trying to help" he says and then he slams my door shut after he walks out. Realizing that I made a huge mistake, I put on a cover up and some flip flops and run out my room seeing Lucas closing my front door. I run out of the house and shout after him.
"Lucas! Wait!" I say running after him.
"What?" He asks not looking at me.
"Listen, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings by saying that. I know that you were just trying to help and I got mad, so I'm really sorry Lucas" I say grabbing his hands.
"It's okay I just don't want you to have drama with anyone so close to the end of the year" he says wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close.
"I know" I say biting my lip and looking down because I feel bad for being mean to him.
"I'm sorry" I say looking up at him with tears in my eyes.
"Why are you crying baby?" He says.
"Because I'm always so rude to you and I don't deserve you" I say as a couple tears roll down my cheeks.
"It's alright baby. You make me the happiest guy alive and I wasn't the nicest either. I shouldn't have said fuck you because that was rude and uncalled for. I love you so much Maya" he says kissing me in the middle of the road. Just then we hear a car honking at us and we see that the guy in the passenger seat is Owen and he tells us to get out of the road. We laugh and Lucas carries me back to my house.
Once everyone gets here, we go into the pool and basically have a pool party. Everyone is eating and having fun but I notice that Lucas is kinda distracted by something but I have no idea what it is. Maybe he's still mad at me? Just thinking that makes me frown so I get out of the pool and go sit down on his lap.
"Hi baby girl" he says wrapping his arms around my waist.
"What's wrong?" I ask looking at him.
"Nothing?" He says and it sounds more like a question.
"Lucas, you're distracted and you aren't acting the same, what's wrong?" I ask while raising my eyebrow.
"I don't know." He says sighing and looking down.
"What's on your mind baby?" I say combing my fingers through his hair.
"I feel like you don't love me anymore" I hear him mumble.
"Huh? I couldn't hear you"
"I feel like you don't love me anymore" he says louder and I'm just shocked.
"What! How could I not love you? What made you feel like this?" I ask
"You just always seem mad at me and I'm not good enough for you. I feel like you're just putting up with me" he says looking very sad and looking at the ground.
"Lucas," i say putting his face in my hands "I could never stop loving you. You are my best friend and the person that makes me happiest. You've been there for me through so much how could I ever let someone like you go?" I say caressing his soft cheeks and smiling lightly. I see his little smile start to appear on his face.
"I'm sorry May" he says grabbing my hands.
"Don't be sorry. You're allowed to have valid feelings and tell me about them. It's my job to make you feel better just like you do with me" I say smiling.
"I love you" he says before putting his lips on mine softly. The kiss continues for a little while until we eventually need air.
"I love you too cutie" I say while biting my lip trying to hide my smile.
"Come on," he says getting up and taking my hands,"let's go swimming!"

It's a Love Story, Baby Just Say Yes. (Lucas and Maya)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum