November: I Think She Found Out

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Lucas POV:

I was really sad that I couldn't go to Maya's party. I think I really like her but what if she doesn't like me anymore. I mean that was months ago when she liked me so there is a good chance she's gotten over me. Not to sound conceded or anything, but all the girls like me. Maya, she's different. Our friendship has really grown and I don't want to ruin that. When I met her, I thought "okay she seems chill but we probably won't be friends" but now we are friends and I couldn't be happier. BING! I got a text message.

Dad: Sorry Lucas you and your brother won't be coming over this weekend. I'll see you guys next weekend. Send love to you and your bro.

Wait, if I'm not going to my dad's maybe I can go to Maya's party. It starts in like 2 hours though, it's too late. UGH! Maybe I can hang out with Luka to get my mind off of things.

Luka: Hey you wanna hang at the park?

Me: Who with?

L: Chris, Penelope,Kristina, and Megan.

Me: Sure my mom said I can go, Can i just go to your house and then we walk to the park?

L: Yea that's fine. See you in a couple hours.

Me: K

I hope Maya isn't mad that I'm hanging out with them. Wait, why am I worried with what she'll think? I don't even know if I like her yet.

you like her, don't deny it

I'll just go watch Drake and Josh to pass time.

2 hours later...

Luka: You can come now.

Me: K be there in 5.

I was having a good time like always, but Maya was still in the back of my mind. BING! I got a message, probably from my mom. Nope, it was Maya! A wide smile grew on my face and I think everyone noticed.

Maya: These text messages are from Bailey and Nicole.

What? I was confused but I went along with it.

Me: Ok.

They told me that I should't have lied and said I was going with my dad if I wasn't. I knew I should've gone to the party!

After I apologized, I went to sit in Megan's hammock, I was really worried and upset. Then, Penelope came over and that was the last person I wanted to talk to.

"What wrong Lucas?" she asked with a smile.

"I'm worried about Maya."

"Why? What happened?"

"I didn't go to her party but I hung out with you guys and I said I would be at my dad's but I didn't go. Bailey and Nicole texted me and said that they were upset and Maya said it wasn't that big of a deal but she probably won't ever talk to me again. And I think I really like her."

"Don't overreact. If she said that it was okay, it's okay."

"What if she never talks to me again? I can barely go two minutes without staring at her in class, how will I not be able to talk to her?!"

"Calm down Lucas. It'll be okay."

"I'll be down in a few."


Then she left and I just wanted to be alone. Maybe if I talk about it with everyone they'll know if I like her or not.

That night I talked about her a lot. I talked about how nice, chill, smart, and amazing she was.

"Do you like her?" everyone asked.

"I think I might actually be falling for her, but I don't think she likes me."

"You are Lucas Crawford! Every girl drools all over you." everyone said

I chuckled lightly, maybe they're right, maybe i should take a risk and ask her out.

"Do you like anything else about her?" Megan asked.

"She's 50% ass and 50% personality." I said while laughing.

Everyone laughed along with me.

Little did I know that Megan, Kristina, and Penelope would end up telling her what I said.

My only thought at the end of the night was I really like her.

On Monday she complimented my new shoes and a wide smile grew on my face and stayed there the whole day. In class, I could tell she stared at me a lot more than usual, but I didn't mind. Every time she looked at me, I was already looking at her, and I just laughed, smiled, and looked down. Everyone always told us that we would make a cute couple,

Maybe they were right.

It's a Love Story, Baby Just Say Yes. (Lucas and Maya)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن