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Maya's P.O.V.

So in science we have changed seats once again, ugh! What is wrong with my teacher? It's like she wants to keep Lucas and I apart!
Why do you care if you sit next to him?
I don't! God I need to stop thinking.
But this new seat arrangement might even be better than last time.
We don't sit together but we sit right next to each other which is better so we can always talk! I just love talking to him even though he can be kind of an idiot at times.
"You guys are so cute!" Penelope mouths to me.
"What! No we are friends!"
"You guys are practically kissing distance." She whispered/yelled.
"No we actually aren't," Lucas said interrupting our conversation.
"Okay I don't wanna talk about this again!" I shouted.
"Then we won't," Lucas said while glaring at Penelope and smiling at me.
I smiled back and looked away.

2 weeks later...
It was the last day of 3rd quarter! Yes!! Spring break I can't wait! But, unfortunately I am sick so that's freaking great! I'm getting over my cold though, at least I have my voice back.
To start off spring break, Penelope was throwing her birthday party. A bunch of people were invited including, Lucas, Chris, Kristina, Nicole, Megan, Marie, Luka, Carolina, Elizabeth, and one of my good friends Emily. I hope it's a really good party!
I started getting ready, it was a casual party so I didn't have to dress up or anything. I put on a gray flowy shirt, denim shorts, and black converse. I don't wear that much makeup but since I was wearing my contacts that night I put on some black mascara. I put my hair half up-half down and I was ready to go. I grabbed my phone and walked out the door.

The party started a couple hours ago, everyone is here now. Basically we just sat around, played games, walked around, and watched a movie. When everyone was watching the movie I saw Lucas looking at his phone so I got up and say next to him.
"Whatcha doing?" I asked I saw that he was staring at a girl's Instagram. It was his crush's Instagram. Lucas looked at me and went back to looking at his phone.
"Oh wow so now you are stalking her account?"
"I didn't say anything about it. I'm keeping it to myself just like you said to do."
I smiled realizing he actually listened to me.
"Go to my Instagram," I demanded.
"Just do it."
"Okayyy" Lucas said. He then went to my Instagram.
"Now what?" He asked confused.
"Go like my pics!" I said laughing.
"Oh my" he responded laughing.
"May I see your phone?" I asked politely.
Well that was easier than I thought it would be. Then Lucas locked his phone. Are you kidding me?
I just held it in my hand taking the case on and off and looking at it.
"What's your password?" I asked hopeful.
"Here let's see if I'll tell you" he said thinking.
"You're no fun Lucas" I whined.
"It ends with a 3"
"Whatever" I said blowing him off.
I got up to get a drink then sat back down on the couch next to Emily. I told her what Lucas was doing and she laughed.
30 minutes later...
We were all siting on the trampoline and Lucas and I were sitting together. Our legs were touching, like full on top of each other and everyone kept looking at us and then glancing to our legs.
"Guys chill! We are friends nothing more. We've always been friends and we will never be anything else." I said. I felt kinda bad because I've never said that in front of Lucas before and he looked kind of disappointed.

Lucas's P.O.V.
We are just friends? Are you kidding me Maya? Maybe tonight I should tell her how I feel what better way to say it then at a party? But she doesn't like me at all so why would I do that? Nope never mind I'm not gonna do it.

Maya's P.O.V.
The rest of the party was okay, I still had fun though. It was a great way to start off spring break and I'm glad I got to spend it with all my friends, especially Lucas.

AN: Hey guys! Sorry this chapter kind of sucks and if it doesn't make sense I'm really sorry! I already have a new chapter in mind so I'll update soon!

It's a Love Story, Baby Just Say Yes. (Lucas and Maya)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें