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Maya's P.O.V
Things have been going pretty good with Lucas and I. We are still just friends and I think that we should stay that way. We still hug and talk all the time but we are just friends. We even have a streak of 30 days on snapchat! LET'S GET IT! Anyway, today is a Wednesday and it's the second to last day of school. I'm so happy school is almost over! This year has been bad but also really good, but I'm glad it's summertime!! Today and tomorrow we have Spanish and we aren't really doing anything but watching Disney movies in Spanish. So interesting...NOT. But we can talk a a lot so that's good. I decided to go sit next to Lucas who sits next to my friend Bailey. All of my friends in Spanish came and sat next to us. We decided to play a game called 'Bed,Wed,Dead' it's a pretty fun game and we decided to play it. It was Lucas' turn and Bailey gave him 3 options Sky (a hot eighth grader), herself, and me. Now I was assuming that Lucas wouldn't kill me because of how close we have gotten recently. Last time we played he did say he would kill me but he later told me he was lying about that so I was assuming he wouldn't kill me this time, boy was I wrong.
"Hmm I would probably wed-Sky, bed-Bailey,and," then he looked at me and said "kill Maya." Everyone was pretty shocked by his answer and to be honest I was pretty offended by his answer. He literally told me he loved me and now he is saying how he would kill me?! Yeah no, that's not the way it works Lucas!
"Wow" I laughed, "I would kill you too." I lied
"Fine then." He scoffed and rolled his eyes seeming truly angry and offended.
"You started it" I mouthed. We went from having fun to being in a fight. Just minutes ago he was smirking at me while our legs were touching and now I'm yelling at him telling him he's annoying. God mood swings what can a girl do? Maybe I'm PMSing? I don't know but that's not important. Lucas had an appointment so he left two minutes after our fight.

"Great! This is freaking fantastic! Now he's probably mad at me and actually would kill me because he hates me that much!" I said to my friend Bailey.
"That boy does not hate you. He doesn't hate you at all and he probably wouldn't actually kill you he probably only said that cause we were there." She responded trying to comfort me.
"You're probably right, thanks see you later." I hugged her as we walked out separate ways to 6th period.

After school...

No one is home so I'm just listening to music in the living room cleaning my backpack out for the stuff I need tomorrow for the last day. My favorite song came on and then I hear the doorbell. I paused my song and actually looked through the peep hole this time. I saw Lucas standing outside.
Great what could he possibly want?
I opened the door and looked unpleasant. He leaned in for a hug but I backed away.
"What do you want?" I said with attitude
"Well we never got to hug at school so I wanted to give you your end of the day hug at your house. But I can see you don't want it. Can I come in?" He asked
I gestured for him to come in.
"Okay what's wrong?" He asked
"Would you actually have sex with Bailey over me? Would you actually "bed" her over me?"
"What?! No, of course not! Where did you get that idea?"
"You said it idiot" now I was really mad. He's being so dumb today.
"Oh yeah about that. Look I didn't mean it. I just thought it would be weird for me to say that around your friends because they don't know about this and I didn't want to make things awkward. I would probably "bed" you over her any day." Lucas said
"Okay and I'm sorry for saying I would kill you but you said it first. Would you actually kill me?"
"No of course I wouldn't you are my best friend and I love you!!"
"Okay I was just offended by your answer and I'm sorry I called you and idiot." I apologized
"I was offended too and I apologize as well. I'm sorry." He said with open arms signaling he wanted me to hug him.
"I forgive you." I said running into his arms.

Lucas stayed over for a little bit but thank goodness my mom got home first. When she got home I told Lucas to leave. As I was walking him out he turned around and squeezed me tight.
"I never gave you your end of the day hug" he said while hugging me.
I blushed "Alright I'll see you tomorrow Lucas."
"Bye" he waved.
"Bye bye" I waved back as I saw him walking in the direction to his house. Oh boy summers almost here. I hope nothing changes between us two. Oh god who am I kidding something is obviously going to change.
Let's hope it's a good change. Fingers crossed.

It's a Love Story, Baby Just Say Yes. (Lucas and Maya)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora