The First Few Weeks of School

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On the first day of school I realized we had two classes together, Spanish and Science. We talked like once that day and I was okay with that because I didn't know what to say to him and I'm sure he felt the same way.

Our science teacher, Mrs.Grout, said she was making a seating chart and on Friday she would move our seats. I hoped deep down we would sit next to each other but we probably would't. Well Mrs.Grout read my mind and she sat us at the same table right across from each other. I LOVED that table. There was Lucas, my friend Angelina, Kathy, Alex, Kenny, Lucie, and Gavin. That table was so lit.

Almost every day we played footsies. He usually won because of his long legs but I tried my best. Usually everyday I had a funny story to tell one of my best friends, Noel. All my friends were shippers of our relationship, especially Noel. So everyday, after school, we face timed and she would always freak out.

I didn't like him though. He never really talked to me outside of class and I didn't  talk to him so I didn't think we were that good of friends, but we were better friends than before. I was still pretty happy about our friendship though.

A lot of the times we would kind of flirt we each other some days he even winked at me! It was so cute it made my heart melt.

One day in science we pretended to date each other because everyone at our table said we already acted like it. I, on the other hand, did not think so. It was a lot of fun sitting at that table.

It's a Love Story, Baby Just Say Yes. (Lucas and Maya)Where stories live. Discover now