The Good Ole Days

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Lucas's P.O.V
The next day...
God did I really say that? I did not just say that I loved her! Do I love her? I know I really like her, but love?! Oh god I just messed everything up!
"Dammit!" I punched a whole through my wall.
"Honey are you okay?" My mom asked from downstairs sounding concerned.
"I'm fine!" I shouted back.
"Okay then. Well I'm leaving to go to the store do you want anything?"
"No I'm fine but can I go out to a friends house?" I asked.
"Sure but I can't give you a ride, could someone pick you up?"
"I can walk mom."
"Okay honey I love you! Bye!" Then I heard the door close.
I have to do this, I don't want things to be weird on Monday. I got dressed and walked to Maya's house.

Maya's P.O.V
All I'm doing today is laying down and crying. Why am I crying? Oh yea because my best friend told me he loved me and my leg freaking hurts! My family left me to go have lunch and I didn't wanna go. I'm not hungry, I'm tired and I wanna watch Netflix all day.
*ding dong*
"Are you freaking kidding me? Who could that be?!" I mumbled to myself upset.
I was too upset to check the peep hole which is never safe but I opened the door anyway and when I saw who was standing there I was shocked. Can you guess who it is? I'm sure you can, it's freaking Lucas!
"W-what are you doing here?" I stuttered.
"We have to talk" he replied
"I think we talked enough last night."
"Can I please come in? Just for a little bit?"
I moved out of the way for him to walk in and I shut the door and locked it. I headed for the couch knowing he was following me.
"Can we go to your room? I don't want anyone else to hear us." He asked.
"No one is home." I snorted.
"Okay then. Look I'm sorry. I was going to tell you about my feelings but I didn't wanna hurt our friendship! We just became good friends this year and I know it was wrong of me to like you but how could I not? I didn't always keep it a secret." He said
"But you never told me either! So technically you did Lucas!" I shouted
"Do you remember early in the year when Kenny said that we should date?" He asked
"How could I forget?" I said rolling my eyes
"We were basically dating that day! I was flirting with you all day! I called you my girl, I sat next to you, I even said I would say yes if you asked me out!"
He was right. I tried to remember the day.
"You guys have to date you're so cute!"everyone at the table said about Lucas and I.
"Yeah okay whatever."
"Lucas, if maya asked you out, would you say yes?" Kenny asked Lucas.
"Of course I would." Lucas responded. He was obviously joking.
Then we decided to work in partners together and Lucas and I were partners. Lucas and I were just sitting there looking at the text book when Kenny started singing.
"Why can't you guys date, why can't you guys date?" He said making a parody to "Why Can't We Be Friends"
"You can't sing that to us because we already are dating." Lucas said
I looked at him with wide eyes. Kenny just looked at me waiting for my response and so did everyone else.
"Yeah okay boyfriend." I said giving in to the game.
"Yep you're right you're my girl." Lucas said wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
"Maya, are you okay?" Lucas said snapping in front of my face.
"Yeah I was just remembering that day."
"So you do remember how could you not think I liked you?"
"That was in September, Lucas!! It's March! Usually feelings don't last 6 months when you're in middle school." I said
"Yeah? Well guess what? Mine did!" He shouted. God he is really scary when he's angry.
"Lucas I think you should leave."
"No. Please don't make me leave. I didn't walk all the way over here to fight! I wanted to talk to you I wanted to hang out with you."
"Why didn't you text me then?" I said laughing.
"I wanted to surprise you. Obviously it wasn't a good idea."
Ugh he's freaking confusing!
"Do you want a drink? I have some soda from yesterday" I say getting up.
"Do you have any water?" He asked
"No I don't have water! I only need water to survive but sorry I don't have any." I said my statement laced with sarcasm but I also laughed because it felt good to have our old friendship back.
"Okay little miss sarcasm, I'll take water please."

Lucas's P.O.V
When she walked away I noticed her limping.
"Why are you limping? Are you hurt? I asked concerned.
"Do you not remember?" She asked.
"Remember what?" I asked sounding dumb.
"I fell yesterday. I slipped down the rocks." She said in an obvious tone.
"Oh I can't believe I forgot here sit down I'll get the drinks."
"Thanks my leg hurts very badly." She said sounding in pain.
I got the drinks and sat back down next to her as she lays down.
"You know what? How come you didn't help me up yesterday when I fell? How come you didn't run inside the house to see if I was okay?" she asked sounding hurt.
"Because I didn't want people saying things."
"You act like you don't care but sometimes you care more than I do! You make no sense!" she shouted at me.
"You act like I've done this before! This is the first time!"
"Oh really? No it is not! You've done this every time we hang out Lucas! We hangout on Fridays and then you don't talk to me the next week!"
"What the hell are you talking about? I've never done that."
"Yeah okay" she scoffed
"Remember when we went to Penelope's house and you gave me a piggy back ride? When we sat next to each other on the trampoline and our legs were on top of each other? Do you freaking remember that?" She asked me.
We were sitting on the trampoline and my leg was on top of Maya's. She didn't pull away and I wasn't going to move mine so I really didn't mind. Everyone started giving each other piggy back rides and Maya was sitting on the couch on her phone.
"Hey do you want a piggy back ride?" I asked taking a risk
"Sure why not?" She said laughing. Then I just walked around with her on my back. A bunch of people took pictures of us.
"Lucas! Earth to Lucas!" She shouted.
"Sorry I got lost in my thoughts."
"The week after spring break we really didn't talk to each other! You do it every time someone says something about us dating or when we do something cute! You don't think it hurts Lucas? I talk to you every single day and when I don't talk to you my heart hurts! It's like a piece of my day is missing because we didn't have a staring contest or we didn't walk to Spanish together or because we didn't talk! I miss you every single day we don't talk and you act like it's freaking nothing!" She shouts on the verge of tears. Good thing no one else is home or her family would be hearing some major stuff right now.
"Okay why did you actually come over?" She asked sniffling changing the subject.
"I wanted to ask you something."
"Well I'm listening are you gonna ask me or not?"
"Maya Winters, will you be my girlfriend?"

Maya's P.O.V
Oh. My. God.

AN: Omg cliffhanger!! So another chapter over 1000 words I'm really proud of myself! These next few chapters are gonna be mostly fiction but the memories in this chapter were real and Maya's feelings are real. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

It's a Love Story, Baby Just Say Yes. (Lucas and Maya)Where stories live. Discover now