Pep Assembly

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December 5 was our winter pep assembly and boy was it a disaster!

Something I forgot to mention is that Lucas is way hotter this year than last year! His hair is better, he lost weight, he got muscles, he got taller, and his fashion changed. He was gorgeous.

I always sit with my friends during pep assemblies. I went to sit with my friends on the bleachers and everything was fine, until I saw Lucas walk in. I noticed he was looking for a spot with Chris, Jake, and Kyle. Our teacher pointed them to the seats RIGHT. BEHIND. ME. I started kind of freaking out because I didn't want him sitting behind me, but I got over it.

When he sat down his other friend, Luka, wiggled his eyebrows at Lucas and kept saying "oooh, oooh!" and I was like oh my lord.

It was pretty fun sitting in front of them though. At times though it got really annoying. I don't know who thought of the idea to pull on my shirt, but one of them did, and they kept on doing it. It wasn't a few of them, it was all of them. The one time Lucas did it he touched my bra strap. I looked back at him and said,

"Please stop."

It wasn't me." he said

"You know that was my bra strap right?"

"Yep. And you know it was me that did that right?"

"Yep." I said while smiling and turning back around.

Once during the pep assembly, I felt Lucas tickle my lower back. I turned around and furrowed my eyebrows at him. For some reason, I started blushing.

"Sorry it was an accident." he said while laughing and that's how I knew he did it on purpose.

So, we basically talked the whole pep assembly so it wasn't that bad, but they got pretty annoying.

When the winter sports went up, Lucas and Jacob had to leave for basketball. When they got back, Jacob tried to sit behind me but Lucas said

"Scoot over that's my spot."

"Just sit where I was before." Jacob replied.

"No, I wanna sit there. Move."

And Jacob moved.

There is this one guy that has been in love with Noel since first grade. His name is Brandon. Noel does not like Brandon at all. Lucas thought otherwise.

When Brandon went up for wrestling,he said his name, Noel missed it though.

"Shoot, I missed him." Noel said.

"Didn't you like John?" Lucas asked.

"No never!"

They just went on and on and when Brandon sat down, Lucas yelled out "BRANDON!"

And Noel slapped him! Every body started laughing and Lucas just said "easy" in a smooth, cute way.

The rest of the pep assembly wasn't really eventful or fun.

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