-Murder under moonlight [Chapter 8]

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I said wagging a finger at him and tilting the screen. A smile grew wider on his face.

“It’s about me isn’t it? Oh Niall’s such a sexy beast it’s un-real!”

I gave him the ‘what the hell? No.’ look and he pouted again.

 Ashley: Yeah, some high-waisted shorts and a blouse maybe? There will probably be some sluts there so make sure you keep your man;D.

Faye: Shut up Dawson we’re not even together yet.

 Ashley: Oh that’s what you think.

Faye: ?!

Ashley: ;D.

“It’s ready!”

Harry announced and Niall jumped up grabbing my hand and pulling me along with him almost making me fall over. I had a burger with some chips and then I was full considering it was only 1.


Harry screamed as Louis dropped sauce in his curls, Louis laughed like a 7 year old and soon all hell broke loose with ketchup bottles and relish, me and Ellie hid behind cushions near missing a lot of flying chicken wings splattered with relish.

After everyone had calmed down and cleaned up a bit we all settled on the deckchairs. Harry sat on the end of one while Louis sat behind him; Harry sat in between Louis’ legs while he made him get the remaining sauce out of his precious curls.

“You have sauce on your nose”

Niall chuckled as he leaned closer to me, our faces inches apart as he wiped the ketchup from my skin, I could of sworn at one point his eyes darted to my lips then straight back to my nose when he realised Liam was sat right there watching with a smirk on his face giving Niall a look which was un-readable to me but probably clear as day to Niall and Liam.

My phone began to blare out a ringtone, I looked at the ID, it was Owen. I rolled my eyes getting up to take the call.

“I’m sorry I’ve gotta take this”

Liam and Niall nodded and I walked off down the garden.


I said un-enthusiastically.


His deep voice sounded excited.

I remained silent waiting for the reason why he called to come.

“Me and some of the boys have got some beers and we’re going out in a bit, coming?”

I rolled my eyes, I spent one night at his flat, one night, not by choice either.

“Sorry, but I’m busy”

I said flatly. He sighed through the phone.

“You’re always busy”

He complained.

“Well I have a busy life”

I argued.


He said.

“Maybe some other time”


I ended the call not really caring if I’d upset him or not.


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