Then one day, they invited me to go out with them again. We hung out a lot, so again, it didn't bother me. But, they didn't show. They invited me out to a party. I've been to a few parties before, but apparently, this one was going to be the 'talk of the year' since it was going to be mainly seniors and college students."

Zayn scoffs bitterly, "That was a bunch of crap. When I arrived, nobody was there. When I tried to walk up to the door, the dog chased me away. When I got home, I texted them but never got a response. I texted them all throughout the weekend since the 'party' was on a Friday, but never got a response. When we went to school on Monday, I asked them about it, and they said the party was canceled and that one of them texted me. The girl, Gigi, pulled out her phone to show me that she did but when she opened her messages, she realized she didn't send it. When I asked them why they didn't respond to my text, they told me that none of them got it. They even showed me their messages to prove it. I figured that it was just my phone messing up, so I told them it was okay. I shrugged that off, thinking it was just an honest mistake.

The next time that we were supposed to 'hang out' was two weeks later. They were being their weird selves again - being extremely nice to me and pampering me. We were supposed to go to the bowling alley. I've never been to one in Bradford before so they sent me the location. When I arrived and went inside, none of them were there. I figured that I was early, so I just sat around and waited for them to show, but they didn't. I waited for over an hour for them to show, but they didn't. I was so embarrassed, honestly. The man that was working kept asking if I was waiting on somebody, and I told him that my friends were supposed to be coming, but even I started not to believe that. When it got late, I left. And I knew they ditched me. I got home, and I didn't talk to anybody. When I approached them at school the next day, they told me that they did go to a bowling alley, but it was the one on the opposite side of the town. We figured out that they showed me the wrong one, and apologized profusely, blaming it on the fact that Bradford was a large city. I actually believed that they were sorry.

The third time was my birthday party. I just wanted it to be close friends and a little party thrown in my backyard. They promised that they were going to show but, of course, they didn't. I had my dad barbecue and everything. When it was a few hours after the time they were supposed to show, I stormed out the house, angry and sad. My parents tried to stop me, but I was already in my car and driving away. When I'm mad, I go out for ice cream. So I arrived at the ice cream parlor, went inside, but wasn't expecting to see the sight that I had seen. My friends were there, laughing and looking like they were having the time of their lives. I could tell that they didn't remember that it was my birthday. I didn't even get my ice cream. I felt like a complete idiot and betrayed, so I left. At school, I didn't even bring it up, and neither did they. I guessed that they really forgot about my party and birthday when I, on the other hand, had their birthdays saved on my phone.

At this point, I was more skeptical when it came to them making plans. I realized their pattern at this point. They didn't ask me to hang out until two months later - April Fools day. I knew that they spent time all the time because of their social media, but I never brought it up. I was betrayed, of course, but they were seniors. That day they told me that there was going to be a party since April fools were known as a joking day. They told me that everyone was going to be dressed up in funny costumes and doing stupid stuff. I was hesitant, and they noticed. They convinced me that it was a joke or something and that they were completely serious. I gave in, eventually, and they had this smile on their face that was so devious but me being me, I ignored it.

So a few hours later, I arrived at the school dressed up in a costume. One of the most embarrassing things to be honest. It was a chicken. I heard the music outside, and I saw all the cars parked, so I knew that they weren't lying about a party. I went inside and to the commons where the party was being held and was greeted by everyone dressed normally. I froze in my spot, and then I was put on the spot. One of my 'friends' shouted, 'Hey, look everyone! It's Zayn!' and everyone's attention was on me. My friends were on the stage smirking, and everyone started laughing at me. I couldn't even bring myself to move at this point."

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