The tension was now thick. It was deathly silence, and Zayn knew the show that Louis and Kendall were watching is muted. Zayn mood shifted from contentness to sadness. Was it going to be like this every time Justin was brought up? If it was, then that was going to be a major part seeing as the man was a major part of his life now.

"I don't like him," Louis says coolly, crossing his arms, glaring at the laptop screen.

Zayn eyebrows furrowed, and he felt his mood shift from sad to irritated. "A-and why not?" He asked, trying to keep to keep his voice even.

"I just don't," Louis snaps. Kendall yelled Louis name, and he looked at her, eyebrows furrowed. "What? I don't like him."

Zayn eyes widened, and he felt his hands began to shake. But it wasn't from his anxiety, no. It was from him becoming angry. Louis had no reason to dislike Justin. He was judging him too fast. Just because Zayn basically slept with him, didn't make him a bad person. At this point, Zayn didn't know if it was Louis being an overprotective best friend, or just Louis generally disliking Justin for no apparent reason. Whatever it was, he wishes for Louis to cut it out. Zayn bit his tongue and clenched his jaws, refraining from yelling the fact that Justin is his boyfriend.

Zayn heard somebody sigh, snapping him out of his angry state. His jaws relax a little, but they are still clenched. Kendall then started talking. "What he mean is, Zayn, he doesn't fully trust the guy." Louis was about to say something but Kendall gave him a pointed look, and he shuts his mouth. "Zayn, he's, we're worried that you're growing attached to him quickly. Please tell us that you're playing it safe and not getting so attached this early on. Please don't become so dependent on him."

But it was too late. Zayn was already. Hell, Zayn was at the point that he was almost entirely ready to give himself to Justin. Even though it been a few weeks since they started dating, the chemistry was there before that. Way before that. They might as well say that they've been dating for like a month. He knew he was falling for Justin, and Justin was doing the same. At this rate, there was no turning back and thought Zayn was terrified; he felt as if he shouldn't be.

"Y-yeah whatever," Zayn whispers shakily, feeling his chest tightens. He then shook his head, looking back at the screen. "I'm gonna go; bye."

Before they could say bye, Zayn had already clicked the end call button and closed his laptop. He let out a shaky sigh as he left the room, going to grab his phone, keys, and wallet and make his way over to Justin's.

Zayn knew he was already in too deep. Being quickly attached to Justin was an understatement. It was more than that, and what it was Zayn didn't know. All he knew was that Justin made him feel like an entirely different person; himself. He was able to be himself around Justin without worrying about being judged for that. Justin brought the real Zayn out, and maybe that's why Zayn was falling for him so quickly. He didn't mind though. Zayn was emotional, physically, and mentally devoted to Justin, and he just hopes that when his friends find out that they would understand, even though he knew they wouldn't.


Zayn entered the driveway of Justin's house, and by the white Mercedes that sat in the open garage, Zayn knew he was at the right place. Justin had given Zayn his address earlier that day. The reason they were meeting at Justin house is Zayn realized that he never been to it. Justin was supposed to come to his apartment, but Zayn told Justin he wanted to come to his house. Justin just said okay and gave him his address.

Zayn put his car in park, taking off his seat belt before turning the car off. He grabbed his keys and phone before getting out the car, closing the door behind himself and through the garage and to that door (Justin told him to). When he approached it, he gave the door three knocks before stepping back. A few seconds after he knocked, the door opened, revealing Justin, who was smiling. Before Zayn could even smile back, Justin was already putting his lips to Zayn's.

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