[23] Angel In Disguise

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Justin rushed up to Zayn and wrapped his arm around him, pushing the younger man against his chest. Justin looked down at Zayn and said, "Yes, Zayn it is a relationship. Even though we don't know much about each other, we can learn. We learn about each other as the relationship grow. It won't be much of a relationship if we don't learn something new about each other, don't you think?" Justin asked. As bad as Zayn wanted to disagree, he nodded his head. Justin smirked. "Exactly. I promise you we will learn more about each other. Like now; I'm learning about your insecurities." Justin thought for a moment before asking, "Would you like to meet my daughter?"

Zayn eyes widened for a moment, and he panicked for a bit. Even though he wanted to know more about Justin's daughter? No matter how old she was, she was a big part of Justin's life and if she even has little doubt about Zayn he knew Justin would choose her over him.

Justin rolled his eyes, sensing Zayn's nervousness. "Oh come on, she'll love you! Especially once she see how cute you are," he teased, and Zayn blushed and held his head down. Justin scoffed and lifted Zayn head gently, meeting those caramel eyes he likes so much. "You have nothing to worry about, I promise you," Justin finished softly.

Zayn looked at Justin eyes which were almost pleading Zayn. Despite the uneasy feeling Zayn felt in the pit of his stomach, he sighed and nodded his head. Justin mouth slowly etched into a broad smile, and Zayn couldn't help but respond with a shy smile. That smile of Justin could brighten anybody's day.

Justin reached down and intertwined their fingers, sending those familiar feeling down both of the men's body. Justin sent Zayn a closed mouth smile before beginning to walk away from the pond.

Justin and Zayn made their way towards a group of kids who were either running around playing or sitting down on the ground with adults. With ever step they made Zayn found himself tensing up and getting nervous. Sensing this, Justin squeezed his hand, letting him know that he was there. Zayn relaxed a little, but the nervousness as still there.

Justin made his way towards the daycare provider, who was sitting down, watching the kids. When she noticed the two men approach her, she smiled politely. "Hello, Mr. Bieber. Maisie is over there playing with Ms. Adams group."

Justin put on a fake smile before nodding his head, now walking away. Zayn noticed this and couldn't help but wonder what that was about, but didn't pry.

The two men approached the group of children who were sitting down on the ground. When they arrived, Justin greeted the woman watching over the children before going over to a little girl. Once his daughter seen the shadow walking toward her, she looked up and smile once she saw that it was her father.

"Daddy!" she exclaimed, making grabby hands to her father. Justin smiled before letting go of Zayn hand and picking up his daughter. He kissed her all over the face, sending her into a fit of giggles. Zayn stood back, admiring the sight in front of him. The urge to draw and sketch the beautiful came once again.

Once the two were finished, Justin settled the little girl on his side before turning and facing Zayn. Now that Zayn could see Justin's daughter better realized that the two looked the same but different at the same time. Justin's daughter had brown hair, where Justin had more of a dirty blonde, and she had grey-blue eyes, where Justin eyes brown. The similarities they had were the facial structure. They had the same nose, eye shape, and face shape...

"Daddy? Who is this?" Maisie frowned, seeing Zayn. Zayn felt his heart in his chest thumping erratically, and he was scared for moment that it would burst out.

"Maisie, baby," Justin cooed, "This is daddy friend Zayn. You'll be seeing a lot of him." Justin bounced his daughter in his arms.

Maisie tilted her head to the side. "Fwend? Daddy doesn't have any fwends," Maisie says curiously. Justin's eyes widened, and Zayn tried but failed to contain the laugh that came out. Justin glared playfully at the laughing Zayn before turning his attention back to his daughter.

Pursuing Mr. Bieber || zustin au ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang