Chapter Thirteen

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It still hasn't changed. I love him, I miss him. Emma has taken me under her wing and we are like sisters, she has been with me throughout the three year degree and the one year extra training. I am twenty two now, Alex is as well. I haven't seen or heard from him in four years. It hurts. Physically, mentally, it hurts.

"Ready to go?" Emma asks. I put in my green jacket and zip it up. I've been a paramedic for three months now and I absolutely love it. Thanks to Emma we are partners. She drives our ambulance and I sit next to her, helping.

"Yep." I say with a smile. We get in our bright yellow and green ambulance and I turn on the machine saying we are ready to officially start our shift.

"Another day, let's see how many people we go to this time." Emma says as she drives out of the hospital bay.

In five minutes we are called to a domestic accident. A man has severed his thumb deeply. We turn on the lights and siren and I smile. The adrenaline truly is addictive.

"Weeeeee!" Emma says and we laugh. I watch as the cars move and we get to the house in seven minutes.

I grab the bag and run in while Emma parks.

"Hello!" I say and the man's wife runs over.

"Hey, my husband, Dave. He cut his thumb and it won't stop bleeding." She says, panicking. I nod and Emma follows us to the kitchen. I bend down where the man is, he is dabbing the wound.

"Hello, my name is Abigail, can I have a look at you hand please?" I ask and he shoves his hand towards me.

"I was just trying to make a sandwich." He says and nervously laughs.

"Well, you'll need stiches. The bleeding isn't too bad but you shouldn't dab it. Keep constant pressure. Would you like some pain relief?" I ask.

"Please sweetheart." He says. I nod and get out the syringe. I numb his hand and put some temporary seal on it. I bandage it up and we get in the ambulance. I sit in the back with Dave and his wife.

"Thank you sweetie." His wife says.

"Just doing my job." I say and smile.

"A pretty girl like you must have a boyfriend." She says.

"Not at the moment." I say as I clean the blood from Dave's arm.

"That's a shame. Do you ever get called out to some good looking lads?" She asks.

"Sometimes, usually they aren't in the best shape so I wouldn't know for sure." I say and she laughs. I smile and I get Dave into hospital. I clean the back of the ambulance.

"Well done A." Emma says.

"Thanks, I learnt from the best." I say and she smiles proudly.

"Em? Have you ever been called to someone and you knew them?" I ask.

"Yeah, it was my brother once. I just did my job and he was fine. I'd do my best or my brother and I do my best for everyone else so it is not a huge thing." She says I nod.

Half an hour later the ambulance is ready and I get back in the front.

"Hello ambulance Alpha one one three six. Minor RTC only one ambulance required. Abdominal pain but fully conscious, early twenties male." The voice says. I reply and say we are on our way.

"I had a feeling we would get an RTC." I say. Emma smiles.

"Yeah, but we get like three a week." She says as she calmly speeds through the cars.  I smile and I see children waving from their cars. I wave back.

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