Chapter Ten

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We spend most of our time away in the hotel, the town we are staying in isn't that interesting, but it is a perfect escape. We spend most of the time cuddling, never wanting to leave.

On the Monday we have to leave we put out things in the car and check out. Alex hugs me and I take in a deep breath.

"Do you want to go for a walk before we go?" He asks. I nod and he laces his fingers with mine. He leads us in the opposite direction of where we go to leave. It makes me feel better.

After about fifteen minutes the few trees disappear and it is a field, up ahead I see the sea. We walk closer and I see cliffs. We stand about two meters from the edge and take in the view.

"It's beautiful." I say.

"Especially because you're here." Alex says. I laugh and he holds me. The wind here is extreme. My hair is flying all over the place but it almost washes away the sadness I am feeling.

I sit down where we are and so does Alex. I shuffle forwards and drape my legs over the edge just where my knee bends.

"A, it's not safe, come back." Alex says.

"Alex, its fine. It's nice." I say and I look at my feet. Straight below is crashing, swirling water. I watch as the white and blue mix and it soothes me.

"A, I'm serious, you're scaring me." Alex says.

"Alex. I'm fine." I say and wave. I've never been scared of heights. The water seduces me and I keep looking down.

"Abigail." He says sternly.

"Alex, don't call me that." I say and trace the splashing water with my boot.

"Then come back here." He says. I sigh and stand up.

A burst of wind comes from behind me and I fall. In a split second I am over the edge of the cliff holding on with my right hand. I start screaming.

"A!" Alex shouts and grabs my forearm.

"Alex." I say, terrified. I look down and the water is no longer soothing. It is like a huge monster trying to suck me in and grab me by my feet. I look back up and Alex is sweating. I claw with my feet but the cliff is too slick.

"You are going to be fine." Alex says and shouts for help.

"I'm going to die." I say and try and reach for the edge with my left hand. It's no use. I'm not strong enough.

"I'm not going to let that happen." He says.

The water crashes and shakes the cliff. I look down and I watch the water crumble away some of the rock.

"Alex, you have to go, the cliff is going to collapse." I say as I watch the rock is swept away like it's nothing.

"I am not leaving you." Alex says and tries to pull me up. I manage to hold on with both hands.

"A, can you hold on while I try and call for help?" Alex asks.

"Yeah." I say Alex lets go of my forearm and gets his phone out. The loss of contact makes me panic. I don't want him to go, but it safer for him. I bite my lip. I feel my fingers slipping so I dig my nails in the grass.

I see orange in the corner of my eye and see a boat.

"Alex!" I shout. He holds onto my arm and waves to the boat.

"You're going to be ok A." He says and kisses my hand. The boat stops about twenty metres away.

"This is the coast guard. It will be about twenty minutes for help to arrive on land. Hold on." A man says through a speaker.

"Twenty minutes!" I panic. Alex puts his hand on my cheek.

"Shhh, shh. It's ok, we will be ok." Alex says. I nod and let more tears fall.

"I love you." I say and Alex nods as tears fall from his eyes.

"I love you too, and I will love you for years to come because we will be fine. I promise." He says. His words soothe me until another huge wave crashes into the cliff. This time rock from just under me falls. The huge blue monster is going to get me.

"Alex, it's not safe. Get back. The rock is thin under us." I say as I look back to him.

"I am not leaving you." He says. I look to the orange boat and I bite my lip. I see medics and I know my chances of survival are low. I nod and smile.

"Alex?" I ask.

"Yeah baby girl?" He asks and rubs my cheek with his hand.

"I love you." I say. "So much." I add. He kisses my hand.

"I love you too." He says. I smile and bite my lip. I let the tears roll down my face and I take a deep breath.

"Forgive me." I say and before he can react I grab his wrist and set my right hand free and I fall.

"No!" He shouts and I smile. I don't feel like I am falling. I feel like I am flying. Until there is just darkness. Icy cold darkness.

My New NeighbourOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora