Chapter Four

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A and I spend a lot of time together. There is something about her, maybe it's her confidence or her secret niceness, there is just something about her that makes me want to spend a lot of time with her. I feel like I've known her forever.

Other than in school we hang out in my room, mainly because she wants to avoid her sister. Beth is definitely attractive, I'm not going to lie. But she is not my type. I prefer A.

"So, when is the date happening?" Wendy asks as she walks into my room.

"I don't know." I say and put my phone down.

"You have to do it soon or you'll be friend zoned." Wendy says and jumps on my bed with me.

"Since when were you so interested in my love life?" I ask her.

"Since I actually liked one of the girls you could get with. Now, I've thought of an idea for you because your dates notoriously suck." Wendy says I open my mouth and glare.

"They do not." I say.

"You've literally done the same two things with every girl." Wendy says. I roll my eyes and sit up.

"Go on then." I say. She gets my laptop and starts typing.

"There is a bar in town, local bands play there and there are some small scale concerts every once in a while. Take her." Wendy says and shows me the screen. I look at the list of the different bands and Wendy and I check out some of their songs.

"They're awesome." I say and pause the song.

"Today is Friday, they are playing tomorrow." Wendy says and smiles. She grabs my phone and hands to me. "Call her." She says. 

"Get out." I say as I get A's number ready.

"Fine, thank me later." Wendy says and skips out. I close my door as I call A, taking a deep breath.

"Hello?" She asks as she picks up.

"Hey." I say.

"Alex, hey." She says happily.

"Hey, I was just wondering if you were free tomorrow night?" I ask.

"Yeah, why?" She asks.

"I found a cool place in town I want to go to and I said I'd take you out so." I explain.

"Sounds fun. When?" She asks.

"Tomorrow night around ten?" I ask.

"Fine with me." She says happily.

"Cool, see you then." I tell her and with a quick goodbye we hang up. Wendy comes in happily.

"Awe, you didn't stutter." She says and hugs me. I hug back and lift her up. "Now I have to make sure you look good." She says.

"I always look good, what's wrong with what I always wear?" I ask. She rolls her eyes.

"You always wear it. You have to look like you made an effort dumbass. I bet you she will." Wendy says. I smile a little as Wendy goes through my clothes.

She picks out a few outfits and I try them on, half of them look ridiculous. By the end of the hour fashion show we go with my typical dark green T-shirt and dark jeans but with a leather jacket and doc martins.

"If you don't get her with my amazing help you are going to die alone." Wendy says, making me roll my eyes.

"Thanks." I say.

"Welcome." She says and kisses my cheek. She dances out of the room and I get changed so I don't ruin my clothes.

For the first time, I'm actually excited for a date.

After getting ready the next day Wendy wishes me luck and I meet A outside her place.

"You look amazing." I say. She is in a black skater dress and black boots. Her hair has three tight braids on the side making her curly hair seem more voluptuous.

"As do you." She says. I smile and we get in a taxi into town. I find the bar and we go in.

"What do you want to drink?" I ask.

"Anything with alcohol in it." She says. I laugh and I order our drinks. I pay and give A her drink. The band comes on stage and when they start playing A and I go to where the crowd is and start dancing together.

The bar is sleek, it has two bars on either side and the stage is just slightly taller than the floor so it has a nice intimate feel. All the furniture is black leather but the walls are a deep red. It's perfect.

After our first round of drinks we do a shot each then get another round. A smiles and we dance together. I smile, she looks so happy here, her smile and white teeth make me smile. Her bright blue eyes are full of drunken happiness and she giggles a lot. I like seeing her happy, hopefully I can make her happy for as long as possible.

"You look really good." I drunkenly mumble by her ear. God her hair smells good.

"Of course I do, I'm trying to impress you." She says and laughs. I smile and we drink some more.

"I'm serious, I can't keep my eyes off you." I say and she smiles, even blushes softly.

"And what are you going to do about it?" She asks flirtatiously. We smile and we drunkenly kiss. Her lips are intoxicating. We drunkenly make out in the middle of the dance floor, hardly dancing as I hold her close, not wanting to let go.

The song finishes and after another drink we go back into a taxi and go home.

"That was amazing." She says as she throws her head back with happiness.

"Thank Wendy, she helped me out a lot." I admit.

"Did she tell you to kiss me?" A asks, looking over, eyes still full of happiness.

"I went a bit rouge there." I wink, she smiles and kisses me. I pay for the taxi and get out. She leans on the wall of my house and I cup her jaw with my hands. We make out intensely while a light breeze swirls around us, the scent of her hair keeping me intoxicated.

"Are you going to take me upstairs?" She asks quietly. I smile and kiss her.

"Not tonight." I say against her sweet, soft lips. "Not this drunk." I mumble and kiss her again, never wanting to stop kissing them. She soon gets out of my grasp though, making me nervous.

"See you tomorrow." She says and walks back to her house, leaving me slightly stunned. I frown slightly and I watch her walk into her house, she almost jogs. I walk inside mine and go to my room. Wendy slowly opens my door.

"What happened?" She asks.

"I don't know." I say and look out of my window. A has her window open and I see her sitting by her desk. She is writing something.

"Ok, tell me in the morning." Wendy says. I nod and I see A throw the notebook in a drawer and lock it. She wipes under her eye and turns off the light. What did I do?

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