Hinahoho, who had just gotten there, rose a brow, "Sinbad why are you dressed like a woman after a hangover?" He asked having not heard Sera's insults.

"He does look like one! I told you!" She said as the audience erupted in laughter.

Sinbad only glared at all of them, "this is why I drink..." He said, implying that 

"I thought there were more reasons," commented Drakon, who had been one of the first actors there. Sinbad only said nothing and sunk in his chair with a pout.

Once everything was ready, one of the employee's sent the announcer a thumbs up and she smiled, bringing the mic to her lips, "okay! Is everyone ready?" She asked, causing the crowd to erupt in cheers. 

"Alright! My name is Tina, first things first let's introduce our lovely panel of actors!" She said enthusiastically.


"Okay, now we are opening up questions from the crowd!"

Someone rose their hand and smiled as Tina pointed at them, "okay, Sera, who is Bathsheba?" 

Sera narrowed her eyes and turned to the end of the table, "Mystras, you owe me 30 bucks." 

Mystras groaned and crossed his arms. "I bet him 30 that would be the first question," she said as they handed her the money, "to answer your question... I got no clue," she said with a bright smile as everyone laughed. 

Another hand rose, "Sinbad, why did you dress as a rich white boy?" They asked. 

Everyone laughed, "told you~," sang Sera. 

"I'm not dressed a rich white boy!" He yelled, "if anything Sera is dressed like a rich white girl."

Sera scoffed, "well, unlike some people-" she looked Sin up and down- "I like to dress nice," she sassed while flipping her hair.

Someone else rose their hand, "Sinbad, I love they way you're dressed! And may I just say you are too sexy for this world!" They said, squealing.

Sinbad smirked as his aura seemed to sparkle. "You're feeding his ego, sooner or later his head is gonna blow up with hot air and he'll fly off like that house from UP," said Sera as she turned to him.

Sinbad turned to her with a glare. "She's not lying," commented Ja'far.

"See what I'm stuck with," said Sinbad.

"See what we're stuck with," sassed Sera. 

Tina giggled, "calm down Sera, sooner or later you're going to slay him completely," she said.

"I'll try," she said, shrugging.

Seren placed her lips near the mic, "oh and by the way, he's not as perfect as he seems, you should see the bloopers," she said giggling. 

Sinbad paled, "no."

Sera gasped suddenly and stood up, "did anyone bring them?!" She asked. One of the employees shook their head, Sera pouted, "damn, I got excited."

Someone squealed, "Sera, Sinbad, will we ever see you two together? You two would be such a cute couple," they said. 

Sera turned to look at him, "I have standards. I don't go with guys who walk in on me changing."

Tina turned to Sin, "seriously?" She asked with disbelief. 

Sinbad smirked, "what can I say. I can't resist a beautiful woman." 

Sera smacked the back of his head. "This is restraining orders exist," said Ja'far. 

Tina chuckled and checked her watch, "okay, we have a bit more time for questions."


Mystras blushed, "thank you," he said as someone gave him a compliment. 

Tina giggled, "okay, as we've seen we're entering a new arc with new surprises and the creators decided to give us a small sneak peek." She turned to the screen while the lights turned down.


"It's undoubtedly murder," she said while looking down at the body.

"Oh, great. Look who decided to show up," someone else commented, scoffing.


"Ow! Who was that?!" She groaned as someone landed on her back.

"Opps, sorry miss," she said, getting up off of her.

"What's your name?"


She glared at her as she had the audacity to say that, "that's rich coming from you," she said walking in between them, "you have the nerve to say that when I saw how you treated your own citizens! What do you know?! You beat the living daylights out of them and for what? Just because they said all of that about your father?

"Newsflash sweetheart, he was the worst king I'd have seen in years!" She yelled grabbing her collar, "what do you know about the things people can do for a country? You wiped one out by just spewing out random orders! And for what?! Greed you bitch!"

She grabbed her hand and ripped it off her, "oh? And what do you know of a country and it's ruler, you weren't a princess."

Her jaw clenched and she kept quiet, stop. You mustn't say anything.

'I know don't remind me...'

"That's ENOUGH!"


Everyone cheered as the screen went black and the lights turned on. Tina turned to them, "I must say, that was amazing. But I have two questions, one, who was that mystery girl?" She asked. 

They all pressed a finger to their lips, "secret~." They said unison.

Tina pouted, "fine~. Second question, will there be any changes to the script whatsoever?" She asked. 

"They are debating on that as we speak," commented Drakon. 

Tina nodded, "well, why don't we give our cast a hand, huh? They did amazing!" She said.

The entire cast stood up and took a bow as everyone applauded. They all began to wave while walking off the stage.

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