Hiding in Sasuke's room

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I knocked on Sasu-chan's door to check if she was also back from the festival but got no reply. I knocked again.
"Sasu-chan? Are you home yet?" I asked as I turned the doorknob. I pushed it open and peeked my head inside. "Hmm... I haven't been in here in a while. Surely Sasu-chan wouldn't mind if I played with some of her stuff, right?" I whispered to myself. I knew she'd kick my ass, but I went in anyways.
I walked in and looked around, scrunching my toes against the floor.
I walked over to her TV and checked out her games. One of them was Norita: The last tornado.
I wanted to play it but I suspected Sasu-chan would be home soon, so it'd be better if I just quickly looked at stuff and then get out.
I walked over to a drawer and pet the soft black wig on top of it. So soft.
I grabbed the knob on the drawer and paused.
Shit. What if her panties are in here?
Oh well. I'm not gonna touch anything.
I pulled the knob and the drawer slid out. I peeked inside it and there were no panties, just random jewelry and stuff.
I shuffled through the junk, seeing if I could find any little trinkets, until I stopped when I saw something that caught my eyes. My heart started beating quickly, and my eyes widened as I pulled out a familiar looking face mask.
"This mask... Didn't Sasuke wear this that first time we met?" I started sweating and shook my head.
What am I thinking? Lots of masks look like this. Surely, they just got the same one! I nodded my head, sweating nervously. I was going to head out right there, but...something caused me to stay.
I shuffled more through the jewelry and found two recognizable hair pins. I took them out. Inspecting them between my fingers. I held my mouth with one hand. Sasuke wore these too...
I began looking through the drawer more but heard Sasu-chan's voice outside the hall. My heart felt as if it was going to stop, the suspense was overwhelming. I shut the drawer, trying to be quiet. I looked around for a place I could hide feeling panic.
Shit, shit, shit!
I examined the room and was about to head into the bathroom, but realized that would be trapping me in the room. There was a small area underneath the bed, so I crawled underneath it like a snake and moved myself to the middle so that Sasu-chan wouldn't be able to see my body.
I heard the door open then shut while she sighed. "Thank god Kakashi didn't see me," I heard Sasu-chan say out loud. Her voice was low.
I watched as her footsteps approached the bed and held my mouth. The mattress above me sank down a little bit and I quietly made a sigh of relief.
When will I be able to get out from underneath this bed? Will I have to wait till Sasu-chan leaves the room? How long could that be?
I stopped thinking when I heard Sasu-chan's voice again.
"Wh-where did that dumb Naruto go? He wasn't in his room..."
Yeah, I wish I was in my room right now.
Suddenly, the bed was shaking a little bit. I couldn't see what was happening, then I heard light sounds. Sasu-chan was breathing heavily, letting out small moans. I covered my mouth with my hand, feeling my face and body get hot. My heart was beating faster, for a different reason than being scared. I definitely shouldn't have been listening to this.
I glanced to my right underneath the bed, trying to ignore the sounds that were being made, then I saw a white piece of paper. After picking it up, I examined that it was actually a picture. Since Sasu-chan had her light on her room, it was clearly visible for me. It was a picture of Sasu-chan. No, maybe Sasuke... I couldn't tell. The kid had short, black, raven-shaped hair and was grinning while sitting next to their mother and father. They had a girly dress on and the parents were laughing together. I noticed that there was a tear in the photo. I ran my thumb against the ripped edge of the photo wondering what part got ripped off.
This was probably Sasu-chan's family. And this ripped part...could it have been where her brother was?
She mentioned before that her family got killed by her brother... did that really happen?
She looked so happy here. Although she does smile sometimes, it's never as bright as this. I grabbed my heart because it ached. I really felt bad for Sasu-chan.
For some reason, I started thinking about Sasuke. He never talked about his life.
Then, I recalled the mask and hairpins I saw earlier.
What if... no, maybe Sasuke just borrowed them from his cousin. Then again, wasn't that too much of a coincidence?
I felt so confused and I was frustrated that I didn't know more.
I looked back at the opening of the bed and watched as a sock dropped to the floor. Then down came the other one.
The bed rose back up and I was staring at ankles. Sasu-chan's ankles. Or.... Sasuke's? No! Definitely Sasu-chan's! They walked out of my sight of vision and I heard a door open. Was Sasu-chan taking a shower? What luck!
I crawled out and glanced over at the room's entrance. The water turned on, so I knew now was my chance to leave.
I crawled out from under the bed, heading over to the front door. Then, I looked back at the bathroom to make sure I wasn't seen. My body froze as I caught a glimpse of a round ass before a door closed.

Sasu-chan's ass?
It was only for a second so I didn't get a good look but...
I covered my face with my hands because my cheeks felt completely red. I crawled the rest of the way to the door and quietly opened it, then closed it before dashing to my room.
I shut my door and leaped onto my bed, burying my face in my pillow. I could hear my heartbeat echo throughout the room.

That ass... was so sexy.


Hello. Sophia here. Thank you for reading this story, I'm sorry it's so long (о'∀'о) ufufu~
I really do appreciate your support, though! Thank you, whether you comment, like it, add it to your reading list, or even just read it!

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