Chapter 22

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I wake up in bed beside Harry, his arm wrapped around my waist. I smile and cuddle into him.

“Good morning beautiful.” Harry whispers, kissing the top of my head.

“Morning Harry…” I mumble, smiling into his chest.

I sit up and rub my eyes, looking around the room.

Shit! Where am I?!

I look around for Shyanne and see her lying on top of Niall.

What? Did they?

I ignore them and look over to see Louis hugging his white teddy bear.

Aww! How cute!

Zayn and Liam are lightly snoring.

“Shyanne?” I whisper over to her. She raises her head and looks at me. “What are you doing?” I lightly chuckle.

“Um.. We were… Ugh…” Shyanne stutters. She suddenly screams and laughs hysterically.  “NIALL! S-STOP!” Shyanne laughs, lying on the bed as Niall pins her down.

“No!” Niall chuckles as he tickles Shyanne’s waistline. “Say I’m the best boyfriend ever! And that you will always love me! Forever and ever!”

“You’re the best boyfriend ever and I will always-” She pauses for a second and lets out a laugh “Will alwyays love you.. Forever and ever!” Shyanne laughs, Niall chuckling and getting off of her, and releasing her from his grip.

Zayn and Liam wake up to the loud laughs of Shyanne.

“Huh?” Zayn groans out, rubbing his eyes and sitting up.

“Shut up!” Liam shouts rolling over, his face dug into his pillow.

“Mmmm. Carrots… Hey! Harry! Give me that back! It’s mine!” Louis mumbles in his sleep, still hugging his teddy.

I look at Harry and roll my eyes playfully. Is this what they’re always like?

I look down at myself, only to realize that our car is parked at the arena… And our clothes are at home…

“Shyanne… Our clothes… They’re at home…” I whisper over to Shyanne who just received a quick peck on the cheek from Niall.

“We’ll take you shopping! Right Haz?” Niall says, sitting up and looking over at Harry.

Harry nods and smiles at me.

“Shopping! Yay!” Louis shouts, smiling as he holds his white teddy bear in his arms. He seems to notice that we are looking at his toy… “Leave Mr Carrot      Man alone!” Louis shouts, acting like a little kid and hugging it tighter to him.

Shopping… With the boys? Who knows what they’ll pick?

“Hey, Kimmie… Can I talk to you?” Harry asks me. Of course he can!

“Yeah, what’s up?” I reply, looking up at him.

“Ugh… In private?” I nod and walk out the room following Harry.

“So… As you most likely know… We’ll be going soon…” Tears are swelling in my eyes; the lump in my throat only grows bigger. “And… The boys and I were talking about it last night… We want you to come on tour with us… So, what do you say?” Harry asks me.

“I… Can I think about it? It’s a big step for me…” I sigh, looking into his dull green eyes.

“Yeah. Sure.” Harry mumbles, looking down at the ground.

“Hey…” I smirk, looking at Harry and making him look at me. “I love you” I smile and peck his lips softly.

“I love you too Kimmie” Harry says after the kiss ends.

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