Chapter 18

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A knock on the front door sounds through the house. I wipe my eyes and answer it.

“Shyanne, come in…” I say, wiping my eyes and sniffling.

“Hey, are you okay?” Shyanne asks me, I nod in response and walk back into the kitchen, Shyanne following behind me.

“There’s a letter here for you…” I say, handing her the sealed envelope with her name written on the front in black pen.

“Oh… Um thanks…” She smiles, slightly confused. She opes the letter and scans the words. Her eyes start to turn glossy and tears fall down her eyes slowly.

“What does it say?” I ask, looking at her as she wipes her eyes.

“Dear Shyanne…” She starts, clearing her throat. “I’m sorry I never got to say goodbye properly. I couldn’t face you, I wouldn’t be able to say it… So I wrote it. You know, some people forget about their past life, their normal life… But I won’t… And that day I met you, when I spilled the coffee on you… Yeah, sorry about that… I’m so glad I got to know you better Shyanne. I wish I could just get to feel your arms around me once more… I will definitely miss you babe… I love you. Love Niall.” Shyanne suddenly breaks down crying, lets go of the letter and collapses on the floor. I rush to her side and sit her up, hugging her tightly.

“Shhh…” I whisper, stroking her hair.

The piece of paper ended up writing face down. There is black pen on the back of it.

“Hey, what’s that?” I ask, referring to the letter. Shyanne sniffles ad picks it up.

“I… I can’t read it…” She says, handing me the letter.

“It…” I sigh and look at Shyanne who is waiting patiently for me to read it aloud. “They changed their numbers…”

The crying continues, me crying along with her. I have no contact with them whatsoever… Not unless they come back…


“I’ll see you tomorrow then Shyanne?” I ask, looking at Shyanne as she walks out the front door.

“Yeah, I’ll text you tonight okay?” She replies.

“Yeah, that’s fine.” I nod, twisting and turning the door handle behind the door.

“Alright, see ya…” Shyanne smiles, only slightly.

“Okay, bye.” I say, closing the door and leaning against it. My hands running making their way through my hair.

“I can’t do this…” I mumble, standing up, walking upstairs and into my room.

I want to so badly watch him on TV… But., I can’t… I just can’t bring myself to do that. Instead, I lie in my bed, under my duvet, close my eyes, and drift into a deep sleep.


I wake to the sound of the kettle whistling piercingly from the kitchen. I swing my legs over te side of the bed and rush downstairs, flicking the kettle off and spotting a mop of hair on the couch. Slowly making my way to the chocolate coloured curls.

“Ha-Harry?” I stutter, swallowing the dry lump in my throat.

“You’re… You’re back?” I ask, confusingly, slowly walking over to him.

He doesn’t answer. Finally, I walk over and sit beside him. His eyes are shut and his light breathing is all I can hear. His curls sitting flat and lifeless on his head. I slowly brush my hand across his cheek and smile slightly.

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