Chapter 19

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"KIMBERLY! OH. MY. GOD. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! WE'RE GOING TO SEE ONE DIRECTION TONIGHT!" Shyanne screams in excitement and running into my room.

"Mmmm. What time is it?" I groan, smacking my face into the pillow.

"6:30! HURRY UP AND GET READY! DON'T WANT TO BE LATE!" She shouts again, pulling the duvet off me.

"HEY! I was warm!" I shout, rolling into a ball and hugging my pillow. Shyanne roles her eyes at me and drags me out of bed.

"Now... Shower." I sigh and mimic her as I walk off with a towel hung over my arm. "Hey. I heard that..." I look back at her as I close the door behind me and lock it.

I have my shower and wash it, dry it as Shyanne told me to. You see, she studied beautition... So, she always gets me ready. She also has a very good fashion sense that I never knew about!

I throw on some tracksuit pants and a jumper before sitting in the chair in the bathroom. The curling iron sits on the bench in front of me, heating up.

"While we're waiting, I'm going to choose your outfit! You stay here!" Shyanne skips joyfully and excitedly out of the room and opens my closet, rummaging through my clothes. "Ahhh. This'll do" She says, closing my closet and putting the clothes on my bed.

Shyanne brushes through my hair before curling it.

She finishes curling my hair, and looks at me confused. "There's something missing..." She says, studying me in the mirror.

"Make-" I say before she cuts me off

"Ahh, make up!" Shyanne exclaims, pulling out all of her makeup from a drawer.

Shyanne applies my make up and moves out the way so I can see my reflection.

"Wow!" I gasp. I have to admit, I do look amazing!

"Now, go get dressed! Your outfit is on the bed, along with your shoes.

I stand up and smile at her, walking into my room and stop in the doorway I examine what she has chosen for me.

OMG. It's amazing!

I hurry over to the clothes that lay before my eyes.

I try the clothes on and Shyanne walks in.

"Oh my god! It looks amazing!" She has chosen a black varsity jacket, black skinny jeans, and my black vans. It's not fancy, but basic... It looks great!

"Thank you so much!" I smile at her, hugging her tightly. "Wait... Now you need to get ready!" I say and she nods, running into the shower and starts to get ready.

She soon walks out looking as beautiful as ever! She's wearing pale blue ripped skinny jeans, a grey loose flow shirt which is grey, along with black heels which compliment the outfit perfectly! Her hair is curled as well as mine and our make up is similar.

"Oh my god! YOU LOOK AMAZING!" I shout, admiring her clothes and how she looks.

"Thanks!" She smiles, blushing slightly. "Okay, so... If we leave now, we can get there early and then... Well yeah!"

"Okay! I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE WE GOT FRONT ROW TICKETS! IT'S INSANE!" I shout, jumping around the room excitedly.

"I KNOW!" Shyanne laughs, shouting as well as me. "Maybe Niall might just notice me..." She sighs, looking down at the ground, tears forming in her eyes.

"Hey... Don't cry... You'll wreck your makeup..." I joke, wiping away her tears. She giggles and response but looks back down. I wrap my arms around her and sigh. "Maybe Harry might notice me tonight..."

Sewn h.s [book one]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin