Chapter 34

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The glass sits before me, the water creating a circle on the concrete. I pick up the glass and hold it in my hand, examining it. My phone goes off multiple times, but I choose to ignore it. It’s only Shyanne, and I really don’t want to tell her anything else.

The glass is sharp and clear. I sit against the one of the concrete walls, and cry. I tuck my knees into my chest with my arms folded. I dig my head into my arms, tears flowing out of my eyes uncontrollably.

I open my hand and take the glass in my fingers. I bring the glass to my wrist and hold it there…

Do I really want to do this? Is this actually getting me anywhere? Of course it isn’t…

I throw the glass across the room and cry harder into my own arms. Not Harry’s, not Shyanne’s… My own.

A set of keys rattling against the door echoes through my room. Soon the door opens and footsteps are making their way towards me.

I look up to see an unfamiliar face looking into my eyes deeply.

His eyes are dark brown, his hair chocolate brown. The same sort of colour as Harry’s… His name tag reads the familiar name, which only makes me cry harder.

“I’m Har-”

“I can read.” I snap, my head buried in my hands.

“Don’t cry…” He whispers soothingly whilst rubbing circles on my back. Just like Harry used to when I was upset.

“Listen. I don’t want you hear… So leave.” I force myself to stand up and climb into bed.

“I can’t… I have to clean your wounds and give you another tablet.” He replies calmly. I wonder how many people have acted like this to him. I’m not usually like this.

“Fine.” I sigh, holding out my arm. He rolls my sleeve up and stares at the scars stopping at my elbow. He unwraps the bandage and silently gasps. He takes the bandage, and replaces it with a new one.

He hands me a tablet and a glass of water to wash it down.

I place the small pill on my tongue and take a mouthful of water from the glass. I swallow the water, leaving the tablet under my tongue.

“Show” He commands. I do as he says and open my mouth, revealing now tablet.

“I’ll get someone to come and clean that up…” He smiles and leaves my room, locking the door behind him.

I wait until I can’t hear his footsteps anymore, before I spit the tablet into the plastic bag.

I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling with my hands folded over my stomach. I close my eyes with my breathing fairly loud.

I wonder if everyone gets treated like this here. Everyone seems so calm… So approachable.

I block out all memories from my head and continue to try and sleep. All I can seem to picture is Harry and everyone else… I don’t want to think about them… They didn’t do anything wrong, I just don’t think I can be friends with them anymore…

I mean, Shyanne has helped me through some pretty heavy shit throughout the past years…


I hear a knock on the door, echoing through my room.

Harry walks in with my dinner, and a clear plastic cup with a single tablet inside.

“Here, you get to choose what you want to eat… Only for tonight and breakfast tomorrow though.” He smiles, placing the tray on the white wooden desk.

Sewn h.s [book one]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin