15: Yum! (Part two)

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James: *munches on a cookie* I think I'll never get tired of cookies. Yum!

Clio: *turns a page of her book* I wonder how Amber's doing...

James: I bet she's SUFFERING! Dang, it would've been cool if I get to watch her.

Clio: *raises a brow*

James: *nervous smile* Just kidding! I hope my kind, beautiful sister is doing okay.

Clio: *goes back to reading*

*phone ringing*

Sofia: I'll get it! *picks up the phone* Hello? Princess Sofia of Enchancia speaking.

Amber: Oh, Sofia! It's me Amber.

Sofia: Hey, Amber? How's your dare?

Amber: It's just GREAT. Marinette is super nice, and the people here are friendly. I got to meet some of her friends and I even learned how to bake cookies and macaroons! Or is it macarons... Anyway, I'm having fun with this dare!

Sofia: *smiles* I'm glad!

James: Who is it, Sofia?

Sofia: *covers the telephone microphone* *Lipsyncs to James* It's Amber!

James: *snorts* Speaking of the devil.

Amber: I'm really loving it here! I guess the dare isn't so bad afterall.

Sofia: I'm happy for you, Amber!

*Marinette in the background: Amber, c'mon! We're late for Adrien's photoshoot!*


*Marinette in the background: We might if you stop hogging the phone! Let's go*

Amber: Welp. Gotta go, Sofia. See you soon!

Sofia: Alright, see you!

*phone call ends*

Clio: What'd she say?

Sofia: She said she's great, actually. The baking was fun and educating. And she's already met some of Marinette's friends.


Hugo: Give her a break, James.

James: Psh. I bet she's lying.

Sofia the First: Truth or Dare?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat