"I have to go Kendall. I promise we will talk about this after my game", Melo says. I definitely understand where he's coming from. I don't want him to do bad because of me.

He unlocks my room door and makes his way downstairs and out the door. As Melo walks out, Cass walks in. "Trouble in paradise?" Cass mouthed just in case Melo was still near.

We both walk out the house and walk to Jefferson High School for Melo's AAU game. Once we got there we paid and found some seats. So much people were there and some ESPN camera men were there too. I see Melo's team come out the doorways and everyone screams Gelo and Melo names.

When the announcer yells Melo name Cass and I clap and scream just like everyone else. "GO MELO!" I yell which gets his attention. He winks at me and grabs the basketball to make a warmup shot. Chills runs down my back and now that wink will be replaying in my head the whole game. Thanks.

Gelo comes out and a lot of the girls squeal and waves at him. Gelo makes his warmup shot and makes it. I see Mr. Lavar coming in with Mrs. Tina and they sat all the way on the other side of the gym. They see me and wave and I wave back cheesing so hard.

The game has started and Melo is doing really good.  Of course his team is winning and Gelo is doing fairly well too. Half time starts soon enough and I walk down the bleachers and grab Melo before he goes in the locker room.

"Great job Mel, I'm proud of you but I'd still beat you in a game", I say.

"Oh no, you not talking to me. We just gonna have to see about that when we get home. After we talk", Melo leans in for a hug and I gladly accept clearly ignoring his sweat smells.

We hug for a good couple seconds minutes just us rocking side to side.

We hug for a good couple seconds minutes just us rocking side to side

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( like that ^ )

He finally lets go and I pout a little because his hugs are so great. What am I on? Why am I feeling so vulnerable around him?

He leans towards my ear, "see you later", He whispers. We both walked away from each other and I began to get a little sad. Do I like him? Don't say that! I can't like him! He's only my friend... best friend. What is happening to me?


Melo's team won from 67-43. I grabbed my phone and text Melo to meet me and Cass at Chipotle.

Melo💓🤷🏽‍♀️: I'm brining a friend. So he can keep Cass company and me and you can talk😉

I smiled to myself because I really wanted to talk about how I felt. Cass and I made our way to chipotle and got in line. Melo and some guy name Brandon met us there and we all talked while waiting. "So Cass, this is Brandon, my friend", Melo says. Cass and Brandon decided to talk for a little leaving them behind me and Melo. "Hi what would you like?" A worker says to me waiting for my reply. "Bowl-so are you going to my meet Monday- to go." I say while talking to the worker and then to Melo.

"Of course! I wouldn't miss it for the world." Melo smiled. I bought my food and we all sat down at a table to chat.

Me: take Brandon outside really quick

Cass👯: fine

"Umm. Brandon can I show you something outside", Cass asks. "Yeah, ok."

They both get up and leave Melo and I alone. Here we go.

"So you wanted to talk?" I asked Melo.

"Well no it was kind of your idea."

"Yeah. How do you feel about.. You know."

I fidget with my fingers avoiding to look at Melo's face actions. I looked at him across from me and he is literally cheesing. Is this funny?

Melo grabs my hand. "Look. You are like my world. You've always been there for me and I can't do anything without you. But until today, I have never thought about you like.. more then that. I've been thinking about you all day. Even in the game, you make me want to go harder. I love you a lot... but never more then friends. You're my sister."

There was a very long silence. "Ok" I say. I don't know what else to say. He doesn't like me like that and I just have to accept it. I won't make a silly crush ruin a great friend ship.

Hi guys! I honestly liked what happened in this chapter. 2 votes and comments for the next update please? Tell me what you thought about this chapter.

Also, think you for 50+ reads!!! I really appreciate it, make sure you follow me💖. See you later 🤓

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