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I gather everything I need for the rescuing before I go to bed, and by morning, I haven't slept but maybe two hours. Tops. I'm just so worried about Poe and Kylo that my slumber has driven itself away from me. Once sunlight had entered the hut, I give up on sleep and get up. I fix my clothing and put my sash back on before grabbing my bag full of supplies. I head out onto the platform of the village, noting that no one else was out except me. I walk over and climb down to the ground. Once there, I start walking but am soon stopped by a noise.

A low beeping comes from above me. I look up and see Chopper as he's flying down towards me. He beeps again, letting me know I am not leaving without him.

I smile gently. "Thank you, Chop, but this isn't something you can help with." He gives me a groan of sorts, telling me that he has more experience going undercover than I ever will. "This is true, but this isn't undercover. I'm going in and coming out as myself, hidden." He shakes his head. "You are one stubborn droid aren't you?" He nods as we continue on our way.

Static comes from my sash so I quickly grab the communication device and wait for anything else coming from it.

"Are you awake?"

"Yes." I was quick to reply.

"Good. The ship is landing as we speak, close to where I found you yesterday. Please be careful. I will be here waiting."

Before I could say anything, the static and any other noise that could come from the comm in my hands quit. I sighed and returned the device back into my sash while continuing on my journey. I followed the path back to the tree where Kylo and I had our last encounter, getting down into the tall grass as a cover in case any troopers were near. I looked around for any sign of movement, but there was nothing. No ship, no troopers. Nothing. I turn to Chopper.

"Is there anyway you can scan the nearby area for any sign of life?" I ask the droid.

He beeps to say yes, pushing out a satellite above his top. He stands still for a moment, I watching him intently while also searching the area in case I had missed something. Then he stops and turns back to me, telling me there is nothing.

"Did he not say it was where we talked last?" He nods. "Ugh." I look down and around the other side of the tree, seeing the dent in the grass that I left from sitting for hours. "This is it; I know it! Why is there nothing??" My voice gets louder. "If he lied to me I swear, he is dead!"

"Halt!" I hear a muffled voice say from behind.

I sigh. So much for stealth.

I turn around and see a single stormtrooper standing there with his gun raised. I raise my hands up in surrender, watching his moves closely.

"You look familiar," he almost whispers.

"What's your name? Maybe we know each other," I say, taking my opportunity.

"Stand up. I have to check you."

I nod and do as he says, relieved that this trooper is naive enough to think he may actually know me. He takes four strides to reach my side and starts to pat me down, reaching into my bulky sash and pulling out the items one by one before returning them. He then reaches my communicator.

"This is from the first order," he tells himself.

"I stole it when I left Naboo. I couldn't take another lecture from Hux. I had to leave and be on my own. I took the droid and my blaster from a nearby planet of resistance enthusiasts." The trooper continues to rummage until he finds what I'm talking about. "Now, what is your name?"

"FN-2189. You seem good to go."

"You're close to FN-2187. Did you know him?"

He sighs. "Yeah. We were practically brothers in training. Then on his first real mission, he chickened out and helped that Resistance pilot escape."

Memories - kylo ren / ben soloWhere stories live. Discover now