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For an hour, we've been preparing for our departure. We finished fixing Poe's Starfighter and getting two others tuned up. None of the normal crew helped us, and since Chewie and I have so much experience in mending ships, it took no time at all. Now, BB-8 is secured in Poe's Fighter, R2-D2 is in mine, and 3PO is somehow in Chewie's. We finally asked someone to help us with getting out of the hanger, so we let them do their job while we climb in.

R2 beeps from behind me while I rest the helmet on my head. "I know. I'm glad you're here too, old buddy."

Poe leads the pack, starting off first. I follow after with Chewie in the back. The three of us fly off and out of the planet's atmosphere with sights set on Endor, where Leia had suggested. Especially with 3PO with us, we should be fine getting into their system without a scratch.

"Everyone good?" Poe asks as we start into the space.

Chewie growls into the helmet's com. "Good to go," I add.

I look down to my lap and see the communicator from Naboo. I brought it for reason of talking to Ben. He did say he would call tonight anyway.

Poe then hits his hyperdrive, I hitting mine right after. I couldn't tell if Chewie did his as I focused on following Poe. We fly through the blue lit hole for a few minutes before turning it off while seeing a planet of dark green ahead of us.

R2 boops. "Do you think they'll remember you?" He beeps. "Well, lets hope they do."

The three of us then fly down into Endor's air. We go around the planet until we see the first village to come by.

"Do we land?" Poe asks.

Chewie grumbles as to say yes. 3PO comes onto the speaker soon after. "This should be the same place we were at last time."

"That was years ago, you know. It could be different now," I warned.

"Good vote of confidence," Poe answers.

"Sorry. Just saying."

We start to land in different spots of the cleared woods, all hopping out of the Starfighters once down. Our droids accompany us on the ground soon after.

"Where to?" Poe asks, looking to the three that have been here before.

Chewie growls for us to follow him so we all make a line and start into the woods. It stays silent for a good ten minutes. Then we get close to the village, and little wails come from all directions. Little Ewoks come out from all over, Poe, BB-8, and I seeming to be more on guard than the other three. They just stand there and wait for the Ewoks to stop pointing their arrows and spears our way.

Chewie snarls loudly. Then the weapons lower.

"Hello, old friends!" 3PO states with glee.

I look to Poe with confusion. I know that they've been here before, but that was at least thirty years ago. How could these be all the same Ewoks?

The little bear-like creatures start towards us and take 3PO, Chewie, and R2 in a hug while Poe, BB-8, and I watch in disbelief.

"Won't you greet our new friends as well?" C-3PO states to the Ewoks.

They all turn to us and raise their arms while coming towards us. They run and take us up in their grip, squeezing our legs. For a moment I just stare at the two grabbing me, but then I pat their heads. They look up to me and grab my hands, tugging me towards where they came. We walk through the woods till we get to the bottom of the tree-lifted village.

I turn to Poe who is being pulled in the same manor as myself. He's smiling which makes me smile. Then he looks back at me and winks.

We then stop dead in our tracks and wait at the bottom of the tree line. The Ewoks start jabbering in their language. 3PO nods along to what they're saying then turns to us.

"They want to know why we're here."

"Than tell them," Poe says.

The droid looks back down to all the bears and tells them our reason for a visit. They start jabbering, some in glee and others in anger. Whatever they're saying is just a mumble of noise to me and Poe.

"They're happy for you to come and see them, but they are also very angry at the First Order. And they are grateful that you chose here to come."

I smile gently. "Can they understand me?"

"Yes," 3PO says.

I bend down to the Ewok's level and look around to them all as they quiet down.

"I am the one grateful. I thank you for accepting us into your village. You are all too kind."

They're still and silent for a moment, but then I am engulfed in Ewok fur as they hug me tightly. I giggle and look to Poe as he watches with a smile.

"Okay, okay," I laugh.

They all disperse and start up to the top of the trees without another word. Everyone starts up, but I stay behind. Poe, who is only a few steps up the ladder, turns back to me.

"You coming?"

"I want to look around. I'll catch up with you later."

I start off in a random direction, hearing a thud coming from behind me. I swiftly turn back around. Poe is walking towards me.

"You're not going out alone. As of right now, I am your personal guard."

I roll my eyes and continue walking. He catches up with me and walks by my side as we go deeper into the woods, taking my hand in his own.

"Why'd you want to look around anyway?" Poe asks.

"There's so much history here. Why would you not want to?" I answer.

"Point taken."

I smile. And look down to the ground as my foot hits something in the dirt. I stop and see the stained white helmet barely sticking out under the brush. My smile disappears.

"What is it?" Poe asks, just noticing my lack of rambling on.

"I think it's a scout trooper helmet. Help me dig."

I start at the dirt and grass with my hands, a moment later Poe's supporting my actions. We dig for a moment and get the helmet out. The once crystal white material is now covered with dirt and grass stains.

"What do we do with it?" Poe asks.

"I don't know, but it's in such good condition for being in the ground for thirty years. Should we take it back to the village?"

Poe shrugs. "Maybe for now, we can leave it here as a marker to tell us we're on the right way back."

I ponder it. "Yeah, I guess."


For the next thirty minutes or so, Poe and I wander the wooded planet. We stumble upon other Galactic Civil War Era items. Along with other helmets, we see broken AT-ST parts. The destruction still lies all over the forest. It's saddening.

"What do you think it was like that day?" I ask, sitting down by an overgrown foot of an AT-ST.

"Who knows. We've seen plenty of fights ourselves, though. We can have at least an idea," Poe says, sitting beside me.

The grassy ground feels cold underneath my hands as I brush them across it's cool surface.

"That's true, but it's still different. The entire warfare devices were unalike."

I look to my friend. His eyes already on me as he nods. We look at one another for a moment, then I notice the time and look away. The dusk colored sky surrounds us in an array of oranges and pinks.

"We should head back."

I watch the sunset for a moment as I wait for Poe to reply.

"It won't be night for at least another little bit."

I turn to him and raise an eyebrow. "Why is it that the pilots always try and be so teasing?"

He looks stunned. "What? I was just saying-"

"Uh huh. I bet." I giggle and stand up. "Come on you flirt, lets go."

I reach my hand out to him as he rolls his eyes and takes it. Once he stands, I fix our hands and intertwine our fingers. Then we start back to the Ewok village.

Memories - kylo ren / ben soloWhere stories live. Discover now