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Kylo's POV

He's questioning me. They're all questioning me. They know something is wrong, but it isn't dusk yet so they haven't asked for her appearance. They don't know she's gone. No one but me and that stormtrooper I killed. All should be fine until dusk..

My helmet lies strangely on my head, my saber wound slowly healing underneath the metal. It stings but is bearable. And my other injuries have started to heal as well. That blasted Wookiee's gash is the worst of all. It went deeper than the other two.

A knock on my chamber's door rips me from my thoughts.

"What?" I snap.

The door opens to show a trooper. "Supreme Leader Snoke wishes to see you. It has to do with the girl."

Then he leaves and I stand. I try not to panic as I look to the window and see the twilight setting in on the sky. The day is ending. I get ahold of myself and start into the hallway, going down the many corridors and up the elevator till I reached his large room.

He sits on his throne-like chair with General Hux at his side. Stormtrooper's line the back wall. It intimidates me on the inside, but I show no bodily movements to give it away to those who cannot see that side of me.

"Where is she?" Snoke asks calmly.

I stop at the foot of the stairs and look up at him. "I don't know. She was in her chambers last time I saw her."

"She's not there, you fool!" Hux jumps out.

Snoke turns to him quickly, Hux falling back into place.

"She isn't there, as the General has just so graciously explained. So, I'm going to ask one more time...Where is she!!" Snoke pounds his fist onto the arm of the chair.

I swallow the lump in my throats and stand tall. "I don't know. But she obviously got a tip from someone that she was to be killed! So, my guess is that we have a snitch in our midst. Not to mention that FN-2187's betrayal just days ago could have provoked such behaviour!"

Snoke stands and stares at me for a moment. Then he turns to General Hux. "You search your troops from top to bottom with any kind of evaluation you can imagine, and find out who told that prisoner of her fate!"

Hux nods and waits for any further instructions. All of the troops that were behind Snoke walk out, passing me without a glance on their way. I just hope I can get Veto enough time with this facade.

"And also! Get your men and women out in that blasted headquarters searching for the girl! Check every last inch of this galaxy if you have to! I want her head!" Snoke demands, turning to Hux.

He nods and marches out of the room, staring me down the entire exit until he passes. I make no moves as Snoke sits himself down.

"She has made it home, you know. Wherever that is for her, she's there. I can feel her presence surrounded by love. Sadly, I think you know where she is and how she left. But I will let you get away with this for now. Whatever game you are playing with me will only last until we find her and go through every last stormtrooper with no luck. If you can confess by then, I may spare you your life. But if you don't, I will make you watch her suffer until her last breath leaves her body and lock you up with the guilt of knowing what you could have done!"

His voice is deep and demented, something I usually use myself, but as the words are aimed towards me I can't help but feel the slightest bit scared. Yes, I betrayed him and deserve everything he's telling me, but she doesn't deserve to suffer for my actions. All she needs to do is live a happy life on a planet of her choice with the man of her choice. And even though after all these years I still want that man to be me. I sadly think that I'm too far gone for her to love me the way she did all those years ago.


Night has fallen, and Snoke has left me without a way to contact Veto. He's got me running around doing stupid errands that are normally accomplished by smaller ranking soldiers. He knows that something is wrong. I can sense it in him that he's suspicious. That, and the fact that he won't let me return to my chambers..

Veto's POV

"You need sleep," Poe insists, us sitting by the fire pit that the Ewoks have provided us with.

I'm sitting with the receiver in hand, staring at it intently awaiting Kylo's call. He has to call. He said he would, and he's never failed me with something like this.

"He's going to call, just give him a minute."

Poe sighs, getting up from his position beside me. I finally look away from the device in my hands and follow his movements to the doorframe of the hut. He removes the fabric-ed entrance and leans against it, watching the excitement outside of our friend's return.

"Why do you trust him so much? He's not who you think he is."

"He is with me. He's never hurt me. He's never given me any reason to not trust him. I know who he is deep down."

He looks back to me. "You're so brainwashed."

I turn completely around and give him a stern look of confusion. "Brainwashed? Just because you don't have anyone to love like I do him, doesn't mean you have to act like I'm under some spell!"

He rolls his eyes. "Okay, whatever. When he doesn't call tonight, tell me that again."

Just as he finishes, static comes from the communicator. I straighten and watch the device for any sign of a word from Ben with a smile.

Kylo's POV

I turn the knobs and try to find the clear connection. Finally, I got back to my room, hiding in my hole in the wall to call Veto. They made me this to help meditate or anything for my powers. It had found another use.

"Veto, are you there?" I ask, finally getting the right signal.


"Good! Are you safe? Have you gotten somewhere? Are you with someone you can trust?"

"Yes, I'm safe. And yes, I'm with someone I can trust," she says, seeming to be smiling.

I know that tone of voice.

"You need to get somewhere very safe, now. Snoke has General Hux searching for you with every able-bodied soldier he has. I need you to watch the sky, or go underground - something. I need you to be safe. Now, I can't be here for long. I've been gone too long already. I'm just glad you're okay. I'll call again tomorrow morning. Goodnight, my wren."

There was a pause from the other side. Then she spoke. "Goodnight.."

Veto's POV

I sit in disbelief as the transmitter goes silent. I stare at it until Poe comes into my peripheral view just in front of it. I look to him instead.

"Now will you sleep? We have work to do tomorrow."

I blink and come back to. I nod to his question and stand, setting the com to the side.

"We need a plan of action first. We can't go into this blindly."

Poe nods, watching me as I step out of the hut and into the main square of the Ewok's tree-village. They're all dancing and banging on old stormtrooper helmets for music. Chewie stands with BB-8 on the other end of the large platform, tapping his foot to the beat. C-3PO and R2 are being paraded around by the Ewoks.

"Excuse me!" I say loudly above everything. The music stops and everyone's eyes turn to me. "I'm sorry to interrupt the festivities, but we have a problem on our hands. I just got a call and was informed that The First Order is looking for me, throughout the galaxy. It's no time at all until they reach here, searching. I will gladly pack up and leave if you don't want to have another battle on your hands, but otherwise, I was thinking that first thing tomorrow, we get things ready for hiding. Whatever we can think of to disguise that Poe, Chewie, myself, and the droids are here. Which shall it be?"

The Ewoks are silent for a moment as I look around them for any signal on which one they want to happen. Then they all erupt in shouts and wave around. I look to 3PO for translation.

"They're ready for a fight, Miss Veto!" he says over the noise.

I smile and turn to Poe.

"I guess we're following you from here on," he grins back.

Memories - kylo ren / ben soloWhere stories live. Discover now