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I walk down the hall with Han, Chewie, and some new people I've only just met. Having my father figure and his best friend by my side once again is such a comfort. We parted some time ago and have only just found each other again.

The darkness of this First Order base is keeping me on edge, along with the constant feeling of us getting caught. Han has a plan though. One that he, Chewie, and myself are going to be executing - along with some explosives.

We walk into the large center of this whole operation and separate to do our jobs. I take the lower deck, sticking explosives on the places Han told me. Then I see him. Just around the corner from me, Kylo Ren stands there with a crowd of stormtroopers behind him. His head turns my way, I hiding behind the column just enough to where he can't see me. My eyes still lie on his mask, it denying me access to what I long to see. His face. It's been years, far too long since I've seen his eyes staring into mine.

"Veto," he whispers.

I duck down even farther and sit to hide from him, holding my breath to try and disguise my whereabouts. Since he obviously knows I'm here, I have to try and hide as much as possible.

Who knew I would be hiding from the love of my life..

The sound of a lightsaber turning on brought me from my thoughts, a bright red beam of light coming to view making my eyes widen. My breath came back, I heaving for air.

"What are you doing here?" he asks with his voice being changed by his mask.

His looming stature behind me was meant to make me feel scared or intimidated, but it only gave me comfort. Not even the impending death I may face from the bright lightsaber could take this peace away from me.

"You know why."

There was a small, lengthy pause between us then he removed his saber from my face signaling for me to stand. I did so, turning to face him. I tried to look for any kind of glare in his mask, showing off maybe a glint of a real eye. Nothing.

"Take her to my shuttle. We need to talk. And don't treat her like a prisoner. She's too special," Kylo says, turning to the trooper standing to his right.

His words shocked me. Was he meaning that in a good way? Or was there some sort of hidden agenda laced in those words?

The stormtrooper took me by the arm and led me away, my eyes watching Kylo for as long as humanly possible. Then I noticed Han from behind another column. I smiled gently at him, as to say goodbye. He rose his hand and held the same half smile.


The trooper ended up leading me to the ship that everyone talks about. The large winged ship that is always associated with Kylo. The Upsilon-class command shuttle is intimidating in and of itself, but now I get to go inside and see it in person. To say I'm excited, but also scared, is an understatement. All the TIE/sf Fighter models were all around the hanger, awaiting troopers or generals to board them and leave the ship. The look of them are so different than the TIE/fo yet such the same. It's quite fascinating.

"Sit here," the stormtrooper commanded, making me sit on a bench.

I hadn't even realized that I was inside the shuttle until he shoved me down. I was too busy thinking of the TIE Fighters. After looking around at all the insides that I could make out from my seat, I sighed. The intricate details always get to me; they show just how much work goes into these ships.

Time passed, possible thirty minutes, before five more troopers and General Hux stepped into the shuttle along with me and my guard. I have never seen this man in person, but the aggravation on his face was something I knew would be there. He instructed the five troopers with him to take their posts on the shuttle, then his eyes found me and the man that Kylo put with me.

"Who are you, and what are you doing in here? This is off limits," he asks in a loud tone.

"My name is Veto, and Kylo Ren instructed this trooper to bring me here," I tell him.

My voice never faltered. I may be intimated by this ship, but this angry man never looked to me as a threat. No matter how many stories I've heard from friends or other workers in the Resistance.


Then he stomped out of the shuttle with a huff only to return a second later with a black robed man. His jet black hair was tousled and his robe was cut and charred. He was limping beside the auburn haired Hux.

"Where is she?" he coughed.

"Ben?" My voice came out without permission.

He stopped in his tracks, turning to face me slowly.

I gasped and stood in one fell sweep. His face was cut in an angle down the side. His hair clung to his skin and the sides of his head, and his robe on the front was worse than the back. I then took a step towards him.

"What happened?"

I stopped moving so I wouldn't make him mad.

"That's none of your concern." He turned back to General Hux. "Get us out of here before this place explodes."

Hux left and the ship almost instantly lifted off the ground. I stood and stared at Kylo, concern laced all through my eyes. He could barely stand or even breath.

"Let me help you sit down," I practically whisper.

His eyes darted to mine. He looked fragile, tears even brimming his eyes.


He opened his mouth to speak, but stopped himself. Then he turned away and walked into another small room across from me. I stood there and watched him, staring at the closed door once he left. Then I fell to my knees.

"I'm sorry."

Memories - kylo ren / ben soloOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant