Jimin watched me storm out of the practice room, and Ryon told me afterwards that he had shaken his head and muttered something along the lines of "spoiled brat".

Unfortunately, I started to feel bad for interrupting his class. The rage for him and the longing for boldness didn't cease. But as a student that promised herself comradeship, I should've been more careful with my words.

"I don't know", I replied to Ryon's question and shrugged. Handing her the bowl of cereal, I pushed my laptop aside and climbed down the ladders of the bunkbed.

"Where are you going?" My roommate leaned her head over the railing of the bed and cocked her head to the side in concern.

"Roaming the halls", I replied concisely and left the room after putting on my beloved pair of bright green crocs.

The croaking sound of my crocs bending as I walked down the hallway was the only sound that echoed between the walls of the girl's dorms.

After all, I thought, being in bad terms with Jimin would most likely not grant me the privilege of pick up his wicked fighting-techniques. And that was my goal: teasing him for my own fun, and simultaneously trying to see through his secret way to success.

The lights of the hallways in the downstairs A-building were all on, regardless the fact that it was way past our bedtime.

Without shying away, I entered the A building and shuffled inside the boy's hallway, my green crocs squeaking underneath me.

That sound drew the attention of several guys standing in the hallways, laughing and talking, and their conversations stopped abruptly. Not only because of the crocs, also because a female newbie dared to enter the dorms of the highest Group here at the academy.

"Aye rookie", one of the boys surrounded by his friends called me out. His ginger hair, most likely dyed, glistened in the fluorescent light of the hallway. A derisive grin spread on his face.

"Get lost somewhere else."

Breathing out in displeasure, I raised my left eyebrow at him and crossed my arms in front of my chest. "I'm looking for Park Jimin."

"Jimin?" The ginger boy pushed his body away from the wall, the grin on his face dropping. "What do you want from him? He's asleep."

"That's none of your business. I need to talk to him." Once again, where was I getting all this confidence? It probably came from the fact that there weren't as many girls here at this boarding school, so the only way to get ahold of your ground on campus is to be witty and self-reliant.

The boy made a beeline towards me, taking me slightly aback, yet I managed to pull myself back together and continued my way down the hallway.

One of the doors was wide open, the last one down the hallway. Peeking my head in, I captured the image of Jimin sitting on the lower bunkbed, staring down at his cellphone with calm eyes, a pair of earbuds in his ears and a snapback backwards on his head.

Oh, and of course he needed to be shirtless. Great reason to approach him with slouchy sleepwear and light green crocs.

"Oh." The mutter that slips out of my mouth caught his attention. He removed his headphones and glanced up at me. As he watched me lean against the frame of the door, his lips formed to a side-smirk.

Stretching his arms out, he yawned and rubbed his eyes. "What do you want, Soo Min-ssi?"

"I..." Gulping, my eyes trail down his torso. The dimmed lighting created shadows on his toned abs, as well as the lining of his biceps. Tilting his head to the side, his eyes regarded me intently, waiting for an answer.

Enigma ➳ pjm [EDITING/HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now