Just some stuff about Anabelle & the Story.

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Well, hello there reader! I am Anabelle and im completely abscessed with Enoch O'Conner! But, here is some stuff about the story!

     Well, this story is the movie version, because Finlay MacMillan totally slayed as Enoch!

Heres some facts about our main character, Anabelle

Height: 5'5

Weight: 120 pounds

Last Name: Lockwood

Peculiarity: Shadow Manipulation!

     Now, here is some info. about her peculiarity!

Anabelles form of Shadow Manipulation is an uncommon type, where she can not only morph the shadow into a different figure, but can make it somewhat physical. Meaning, you would feel it if you were touched by a shadow being controlled by her. They can grab solid objects, but remain only for a small time before reverting back to their main form.

Her grandmother was Margret Lockwood, a peculiar with a similar power to Olive. She told her and her younger sibling about the others in the loop, but Anabelle  was never really sure what to believe. Her parents died soon after she was born, having her go to live with her grandmother. Her younger sibling, whome her grandmother had adopted, dissapeared in the middle of winter, to be found months later frozen and curled up in a snowbank. This never really bothered Anabelle as much as it could've, having never really had strong emotions for the child.

NOW! Im gonna stop there XD. But heres some warnings.

1. There will be violence. If you don't like gore, don't read.

2. Some sexual scenes could happen, so please, read at your own risk. If you are younger than 16, PUT DIS BOOK DOWN CHILD! There will be a warning before each chapter, so if you don't wanna read it, just skip to the next one.

3. Now, finally, there will be foul language. Alot of it. So just...yeah!

Now, continue on to the Story is you dare! Lol, but comment 'I Like Turtlez' if you read this!

Love you all, stay peculiar.
     ~Anabelle 💕

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