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It's strange because 

It's like a plot of a novel.

It's like someone made 


Up, because it actually happened-

This is happening. 

I'm living a lie, in secrecy,

And no one will ever know-

They can't know.

Because it doesn't matter- in a way.

Sometimes I feel things,

Sometimes I don't.

The self-loathing is deeply ingrained. 

And the knowledge that this is all temporary 

Both holds me back and pushes me forwards. 

Maybe the problem is 

I cannot romanticise him 

I should not have ever romaticised people 

Because now no one will be good enough

He is nice, he is kind and makes me laugh,

I care about him of course. 

I find him attractive but after everything, 

Even when he said I was beautiful 

I think my feelings are to confused

And I have a choice to make. 

Sweet boy, our timing is shit. 

Maybe one day everything will align for you. 

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